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Quotes about mime, page 9

Humor Is an Armor

Worry is an invisible tumor
But it can be cured by humor
With rage let not face simmer
As others’ faces must not become dimmer

Heart must teach tongue peace-grammar
Then it will not become a hammer
Harsh words do not even murmur
When anger comes become a mummer

The extremities of a discussion
Will result in tongue’s ignition
The outcome will be an altercation
That will result in sadness-radiation

If angry feelings are used to argue
Then sadness becomes the residue
Not only happiness will say adieu
But people will also say adieu to you

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Wrestling A Foe

To wrestle a foe is suggesting a crime,
May werewolves regulate our passes,
This time no help is at bedtime.

Your nation lies ahead as we climb,
May strangers lurk in the dark gases,
To wrestle a foe is suggesting a crime.

Combatting the burden on our mime,
May dangers damage the glasses,
This time no help is at bedtime.

Yesterday, the day was like the lime,
Will they not be sour and sweet as lasses?
To wrestle a foe is suggesting a crime.

May today ask for sentences as longtime,
Yet the nights swing in masses,
This time no help is at bedtime.

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Picaro Poli

Click click then hiccup out the kicks
Pox mimy dis ease vixenly affixed
To the roots des les langues
Les paroles oh bien c’est mieux
Dead lg Sprache upstream of forgotten past
Lg so lively still thoughts but vieux
Into the thoughts unbearable chain
Les penses les espaces
Click click the hiccup out
Hiccup out the clicks
An old drunkard you are Picaro lol
Never really knew what to say, perhaps just
Teacher regretted having taught you to read
Sing votkalyn votkalyn votkalynka maya
Or hit the road jack out of the box
Vacant vacuum vox
Semiotic jezikoslovno Sprache
Lol the pops in a mime?

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Unwritten love

Heavenly music choral,
In my soul
Memories start to roll.
A film of life.

Dancing in the kitchen
With my mother on Christmas Eve.
Feelings like no other.
Unwritten love will weave.

That unwritten music
While golden caresses
Wait at the gates.
Earthly tears then dissipate

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The Dancer (Mine Muse Mime)

she is circumambulating
circumscribe spiral scribing
she is drawing me, drawing me in
calling, drawing it out from me

this poor lusting linguist with
limber arches alabaster
pleading pouting panting
teasing pleasing pirouettes

She is arousing me; unveiling inviting
awaiting my reaction
from dancer's distance
rite reciprocating

She is possessing, unveiling inviting
acrostic acrobatic adolescent arabesques
...awaiting my reaction
for her want of waiting

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At Thirty-Five

Three score and ten, the psalmist saith,
And half my course is well-nigh run;
I've had my flout at dusty death,
I've had my whack of feast and fun.
I've mocked at those who prate and preach;
I've laughed with any man alive;
But now with sobered heart I reach
The Great Divide of Thirty-five.

And looking back I must confess
I've little cause to feel elate.
I've played the mummer more or less;
I fumbled fortune, flouted fate.
I've vastly dreamed and little done;
I've idly watched my brothers strive:
Oh, I have loitered in the sun
By primrose paths to Thirty-five!

And those who matched me in the race,
Well, some are out and trampled down;

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Ruminations Of A Morning

in this seductive interplay of
sun and shadows
in this intirguing drama of
light and darkness
i nose-dive into pools of
teasing illusions and
corrupted reality
i'm utterly defenceless in the
vortex of hide and seek
on this pompous stage of
glaring lights with my face
heavily made up
i indulge in an unending soliloquy
that i alone hear
i enact a clumsy pantomime
in an auditorium where
i'm the only audience

is this just one sun rise
is this just one darkness

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The Great Beyond

I┬┤ve watched the stars fall silent from your eyes
All the sights that I have seen
I can┬┤t believe that I believed I wished
That you could see
There┬┤s a new planet in the solar system
There is nothing up my sleeve

I┬┤m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I┬┤m tossing up punchlines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

And all this talk of time
Talk is fine
And I don┬┤t want to stay around
Why can┬┤t we pantomime

song performed by R.E.M.Report problemRelated quotes
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Things Our Politicians Never Mention

Question period; not much more than a way to pass the time,
And let certain politicians feel that they are doing just fine,
It’s a sign that we need binding referendums just to control,
Enough to stop political phony pantomime that they extol.

We also need a law that compels Canadians to vote,
Because less than half do, so therefore most are on remote,
Why are governor generals and senators appointed?
Regardless of how many Canadians may be disappointed.

Mandatory minimum jail time for certain crimes should be the law,
And all criminal cases open to the public no matter how raw,
How about set-date election so we know when their time is up?
Why does the establishment think these ideas are pretty rough?

Jan 26th,2011

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I text you
The words i mime
There is really no reason or rhyme
To persist after all this time
But can't resist as my love still stands
Clings to hope with two bleeding hands
And when i ask 'am i still in your heart'
You depress with your silence
And depart.
I text her
And sometimes for days
She leaves me in deepest malaise
Then answers when my last nerve end frays.
And the light that i saw in her eye
Gently flickers and threatens to die
As my memory, tired and vexed
Sees me through
'Til she sends the next text.
I text you
Think maybe you care

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Loves just the gimmick
A mime or a mimic
That makes sex seem respectable
Make you feel more than a dream holding me
Holding me, holding me, holding me
Lips that seem so kissable
Unpermissible unzippable unzip!
Why take pleasure in censorship
Unzip! unzip! unzip!
Shes vegetarian except when it comes
To sex
Hes strictly ad lib
Except when he consults the text
Lips that seem so kissable
Unpermissible unzippable unzip!
Youre just the captain of a sinking ship
Unzip! unzip! unzip!
Lips that seem so kissable
Unpermissable unzippable unzip!
You shoulda let your snarl, slip

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song performed by AbcReport problemRelated quotes
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Pavement(sidewalk) Eyes

In a rumble tumble morning
After an evenings firelight glow
Prayers are left unanswered
From a God who didn't show
Cold air breath a signal
The only sign of life
Skipping over Yellow skins
Courtesy of Mr Fyfe
Pavement eyes attracted
No comfort in a stare
Window shopping affection
For a love that isn't there
Arms linked to heartache
Reflection scowls abuse
Yesterday fights tomorrow
Today calls a truce
Wallet has no answer
Money cannot buy
Last nights dream of hope
Tomorrow's tears yet dry

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I am a massive fan of the actress, Cornelia Frances;
Any TV or theatre show, her presence really enhances.
Since I was fourteen, of hers, I’ve been a very big fan;
To watch her on TV, home, from school, I quickly ran.

In ‘The Young Doctors’, she played the fiery Sister Scott;
Viewers loved her, but her on-screen nursing staff did not!
She ruled the hospital wards with a cast iron fist;
There wasn’t a single trick that she ever missed!

But, through it all, she struck me as a very warm person;
Someone so very different, from her on-screen version.
When I’ve seen her interviewed, as herself, on TV,
She’s exactly the sort of person, I imagined she’d be.

The next Australian TV series, in which I caught her,
Was as Barbara, in the soap opera ‘Sons and Daughters.’
From this, there were many memorable scenes for me,
Especially those ones involving Barbara’s mother, Dee.

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Frithiof's Homestead. (From The Swedish)

Three miles extended around the fields of the homestead, on three sides
Valleys and mountains and hills, but on the fourth side was the ocean.
Birch woods crowned the summits, but down the slope of the hillsides
Flourished the golden corn, and man-high was waving the rye-field.
Lakes, full many in number, their mirror held up for the mountains,
Held for the forests up, in whose depths the high-horned reindeers
Had their kingly walk, and drank of a hundred brooklets.
But in the valleys widely around, there fed on the greensward
Herds with shining hides and udders that longed for the milk-pail.
'Mid these scattered, now here and now there, were numberless flocks of
Sheep with fleeces white, as thou seest the white-looking stray clouds,
Flock-wise spread o'er the heavenly vault when it bloweth in springtime.
Coursers two times twelve, all mettlesome, fast fettered storm- winds,
Stamping stood in the line of stalls, and tugged at their fodder.
Knotted with red were their manes, and their hoofs all white with steel shoes.
Th' banquet-hall, a house by itself, was timbered of hard fir.
Not five hundred men (at ten times twelve to the hundred)
Filled up the roomy hall, when assembled for drinking, at Yule-tide.
Through the hall, as long as it was, went a table of holm-oak,
Polished and white, as of steel; the columns twain of the High-seat

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Over The Edge

Everybody is a victim of society
Comedy, tragedy, vaudeville and variety
Pantomime players in the grand tradition
Winners and losers till the intermission
Girl, I know the world's a stage
That's what the poet said
But I think our weird relationship
Is way above my head
I'll be your Casanova whipping by
If that's what you desire
But once I start performing
I can't easily retire
I'll swing on a trapeze
I'll jump through hoops
And I'll eat fire
Be a human cannon ball
And walk on the high wire
Put on make-up, wear a wig
I'll be your tragic clown
But once you've got me up there

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song performed by KinksReport problemRelated quotes
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Gods Mistake

Have a friend, calls me up
Says hello, then hangs up
He must have read my mind
These are the days of a diffrent paradigm
Maybe once, even twice
He said God does not play dice
Yet if hes everywhere
Hes in casinos with aces to spare
Oh, love is gods mistake
Oh, love is gods mistake
Ours is not to reason why
As we fall from way up high
Into the water
Like a lamb to the slaughter
Even now, gods mistake
Sets us up for one more heartbreak
God you look mighty fine
Dressed as the devil in a cosmic pantomime
Oh, love is gods mistake
Oh, love is gods mistake

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song performed by Tears For FearsReport problemRelated quotes
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Sonnet On Famous And Familiar Sonnets And Experiences

(With much help from Robert Good, William Shakespeare,
John Milton, and little Catherine Schwartz)

Shall I compare her to a summer play?
She is too clever, too devious, too subtle, too dark:
Her lies are rare, but then she paves the way
Beyond the summer's sway, within the jejune park
Where all souls' aspiration to true nobility
Obliges Statues in the Frieze of Death
And when this pantomime and Panama of Panorama Fails,
"I'll never speak to you agayne" -- or waste her panting breath.

When I but think of how her years are spent
Deadening that one talent which -- for woman is --
Death or paralysis, denied: nature's intent
That each girl be a mother -- whether or not she is
Or has become a lawful wife or bride
-- 0 Alma Magna Mater, deathless the living death of pride.

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Imitated Life Grasped Scenarios

why do so many
people copy imitate
fashions friends

whatever is trending?

probably for host many
reasons peer pressures
to fit feel sense belonging?

children learn by copying
drawing repeating acting
multiple forms of imitating

many write down copies

of life grasped scenarios
words that inspire infantile minds
songs pantomime experiences

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Robert Louis Stevenson

Behold, As Goblins Dark Of Mien

BEHOLD, as goblins dark of mien
And portly tyrants dyed with crime
Change, in the transformation scene,
At Christmas, in the pantomime,

Instanter, at the prompter's cough,
The fairy bonnets them, and they
Throw their abhorred carbuncles off
And blossom like the flowers in May.

- So mankind, to angelic eyes,
So, through the scenes of life below,
In life's ironical disguise,
A travesty of man, ye go:

But fear not: ere the curtain fall,
Death in the transformation scene
Steps forward from her pedestal,
Apparent, as the fairy Queen;

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A To Z Ambre Alice Double Best

Art Alice, Ambre, amuse as all attest,
Axel attentive, allegresse.
Beads, burst balloons, boats, sand beach best,
Bath bubbles, birthday double blessed.
Chimps, chips, choosing treasure chest,
Computers, chums, Cannes, Camille, chess.
Dogs, dance dreams, dolls divinely dressed,
Distractions daily, daintiness.
Excitement, Eden, Everest,
Enchantment ever effortless
Evolving energy, endless.
Fortune cookies, fancy dress,
Fairy-tales, friends, festiveness,
Fontaine's Fables, funniness.
Grandma, Grandpa, greeting guests,
Green gardens, gold rings, games to guess.
Gold Moon transformed despite protest.
Hands holding hands in happiness,
Harmony, hopes, healthiness.
Imagination if impressed,

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