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Quotes about mime, page 8

Sonnet- God Is Victorious Always

When things are done by God, they take their time;
But still, 'tis worth the wait and delay caused;
The Almighty's decisions, none can mime;
The evil-men, into Hell's sea get tossed,

The Lord is Omni-potent and 'scient;
His plans are ultimately triumphant;
And like a torpedo, it can well dent,
The strongest cruiser; fell an Elephant!

Rewards from God too come like bolts from blue
Or like a thunder-storm, cool breeze from sea;
Sometimes delayed and sometimes overdue;
God gives His righteous souls outright victory.

Thus, patience mixed with prayers is the key
To problems faced by men, so unfairly!

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Nunc Dimittis

No INFERNO – Faust’s RESENTFUL fears,
N ow drip towards their watershed as time
C reates an image with no BROKEN rhyme.
D ETESTABLE those who, as GRIM Death nears,
MALEVOLENCE invent as if their mime
I nane were EVIL-STARRED, their phantomime
T orn by SPITEFUL world ACCURSED, arrears
T o pay to godhead OMINOUS which leers
I magining in ENMITY fall follows climb.
S uch BLASPHEMOUS behaviour we MALIGN.
R EPULSIVE each RESENTFUL failure’s sign.
E nd may mean new beginnings … and, if not,
ADd joys once shared to sweet forget-me-not.

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Free Play - 1848

Jack frost's cold core shall surely thaw away!
Bask maskless steer reflections from today
to find way which both mends, ends compromise,
remaining optimistic come what may.

When timing rhymes share, care, with air sublime
free from all artificial mirthless mime
there limitless stretch cerulean skies
emancipated from false pantomime.

Though silent snowflakes hush both man and mouse,
white mantle donned by garden, path and house,
helter skelter crystals soon shall melt
for seasons spin, thaw hoar in rhymed carouse.

When light returns to comfort spirit sight,
when dreamed delight replaces senseless spite,
serenity within sings gently, felt
where sun dissolves cold snowbound oversight.

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The Folly of Brown - By a General Agent

I knew a boor - a clownish card
(His only friends were pigs and cows and
The poultry of a small farmyard),
Who came into two hundred thousand.

Good fortune worked no change in BROWN,
Though she's a mighty social chymist;
He was a clown - and by a clown
I do not mean a pantomimist.

It left him quiet, calm, and cool,
Though hardly knowing what a crown was -
You can't imagine what a fool
Poor rich uneducated BROWN was!

He scouted all who wished to come
And give him monetary schooling;
And I propose to give you some
Idea of his insensate fooling.

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Victor Hugo

Aux Feuillantines

Mes deux frères et moi, nous étions tout enfants.
Notre mère disait: jouez, mais je défends
Qu'on marche dans les fleurs et qu'on monte aux échelles.

Abel était l'aîné, j'étais le plus petit.
Nous mangions notre pain de si bon appétit,
Que les femmes riaient quand nous passions près d'elles.

Nous montions pour jouer au grenier du couvent.
Et là, tout en jouant, nous regardions souvent
Sur le haut d'une armoire un livre inaccessible.

Nous grimpâmes un jour jusqu'à ce livre noir ;
Je ne sais pas comment nous fimes pour l'avoir,
Mais je me souviens bien que c'était une Bible.

Ce vieux livre sentait une odeur d'encensoir.
Nous allâmes ravis dans un coin nous asseoir.
Des estampes partout ! quel bonheur ! quel délire!

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Amy Lowell

A Tulip Garden

Guarded within the old red wall's embrace,
Marshalled like soldiers in gay company,
The tulips stand arrayed. Here infantry
Wheels out into the sunlight. What bold grace
Sets off their tunics, white with crimson lace!
Here are platoons of gold-frocked cavalry,
With scarlet sabres tossing in the eye
Of purple batteries, every gun in place.
Forward they come, with flaunting colours spread,
With torches burning, stepping out in time
To some quick, unheard march. Our ears are dead,
We cannot catch the tune. In pantomime
Parades that army. With our utmost powers
We hear the wind stream through a bed of flowers.

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Ezra Pound


O thou newcomer who seek’st Rome in Rome
And find’st in Rome no thing thou canst call Roman;
Arches worn old and palaces made common
Rome’s name alone within these walls keeps home.

Behold how pride and ruin can befall
One who hath set the whole world ’neath her laws,
All-conquering, now conquered, because
She is Time’s prey, and Time conquereth all.

Rome that art Rome’s one sole last monument,
Rome that alone hast conquered Rome the town,
Tiber alone, transient and seaward bent,

Remains of Rome. O world, thou unconstant mime!
That which stands firm in thee Time batters down,
And that which fleeteth doth outrun swift Time.

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Child Of The Road

Once on a rock beside a road
I sat watching the passers by
When one among them showed
To look back with a questing eye

He was a child, not more than three
Tagging along a dog behind
But once they rounded out a tree
The two, I no longer could find

That child, I thought, could once be me
Of many roads way back in time
Hopping along a preset way
As would a scripted playful mime

Life then was Spring, without the cares
The wilds with birds we hunted down
Me and my father put up snares
All conservation was our own

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The Ghost

You were but a diaphanous vapor just passing through...
A nameless enigma suspended in time...
With transparent emotions afloat in my atmosphere-
A most brillant performer in the silence-a grand mime;

An absolute and contradiction splitting...
Only both sides of your ID could made you whole-
A Ghost come calling in a heinous haunting...
A memory so devastating- its taken its toll;

Remembrance drawing daily in my minds eye...
Tormenting flutters of our days gone by...
Hopeless dreams lost in the cloud filled sky...
My tears-as raindrops- now fall from upon high;

Dedicated To: A long-lost early love
In Seattle. An early learning experience.

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As trees are robbed of Autumn leaf
New colours congregate beneath
A tapestry just He could weave;
Sunset reminds us to believe.
Dawn's kiss awakes the winged choir
As dewdrops flee the leaves to bask
In promised warmth across our shire
As morning mist removes its mask
Sweet childhood memories retrieved
And seeing is to be believed.
With Winter's breath the night is sealed
A starlit Eden is revealed, moon rising over open field
And muted trees that long to speak of frozen beauty,
Tonight just creak; silly people never stop to muse
Just shake the stardust from their shoes
For such times we all then grieve
Life's sonnet rhymes when we believe.
From Winter's bite comes Spring's soft kiss
And Nature's metamorphosis
From shrouded, clouded angry sky

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Strange Extremes

I end up dreaming every night,
Of such mixed up funny views,
They're all in vivid colours bright,
I never know what I'll peruse.

Each dream won't have an ending,
Or beginning, so it seems,
All are bizarre in the blending,
Showing very strange extremes.

I'm glad they're only creations
Within my unconcious mind,
Swirling in weird locations,
And everything undefined.

My dream only lasts just barely
Four seconds, in its time,
But it seems to me to be fairly
Long, a bit like a pantomime.

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Sandrine Sonnet Cycle - Valiant

Should there be nothing new beneath the sun,
And each sensation mirror-imaged time,
Not fact, but fancy of the most sublime, -
Depending on those stimuli which run
Right through the system swiftly, scarce begun
In flash succession, then, encased in rime,
No more from store recalled. This pantomime
Expression of our dreams is like the sun:
Valiant now, and now eclipsed, undon! –
A vicious cricle, faceless clock, whose chime
Is out of tune, and whose diurnal climb
Leads round, repeats impressions one by one.
Lighthouse lantern is one smile, whose blaze
Approximates Nirvana, Threads my days!

Acrostic sonnet written 28 October 1992

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By this time
She will be awake
As her clock would always chime
Missing breakfast that I make
She'll be crying

By this time
She unlocks the door
Sees my goodbye note in rhyme
And she throws it on the floor
She'll be crying

By this time
She walks by the well
Where we used to throw some dime
Wishing what we would not tell
She'll be crying

By this time
She waters the rose

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The Peacock Spider

The female waits, a speck of dull brown wool.
A rainbow flash is noted by one eye,
disturbing her placidity, but why?
No predators in sight, her stomach's full.

A spider's red-striped head invades her view.
Her instincts, hunt or flight are put on hold.
For one so small, he's curiously bold.
She hesitates, her brain a pinhead stew.

He waves a handsome pair of white-tipped legs.
His iridescent abdomen pulsates.
A vibrant blue, green, red, gold fan dilates.
In mesmerizing dance, his question begs.

Like rabbit's paws, his soft grey palps vibrate.
She contemplates attack to end the mime.
Her palps respond in resonating rhyme.
The arbitrary threads of fate conflate.

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Sere upon the Stem - 0849 - after William Shakespeare Sonnet LXXI

If, reader, brave, your stave taps this grave verse
unable to wave back Death's sable veil,
my phantom name don't pantomime, rehearse,
resign to Time that which beneath blade flail
harvest tithed, foregathered lies. Few wail
when petals fall, few care a tinkers curse
for memories that mattered once. Loves fail
when Winter's chill wind will to dust disperse
sad withered sepals sere upon time's stem.
Where shared chords strung wrung hands and shadowed hearse
mock best laid stratagem of mice and men.
none challenge Time beyond agenda terse.
Stark, poet sought postscriptum post mortem
to hitch starlight which might pitch night condemn.

(27 July 2007)

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The Monday Troop

Final bow
In a disused music hall
Of laughter and mime
The airwave police
Were the only
Admirers to admire
Sliding sideways in a rusty old ford
The drivers broke down and
A young girl screams
Walking through rock dreams
Tall stories
Mobile t.v. radio
Nobody came
The station is abandoned
Deserted for peace day
Some old man said just do your best
And I think passed away
My shadow is never far behind
And I must find another role to play
Visit maskmaker

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song performed by Gary NumanReport problemRelated quotes
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Leif Erikson

She says it helps with the lights out
Her rabid glow is like braille to the night.
She swears I'm a slave to the details
But if your life is such a big joke, why should I care?
The clock is set for nine but you know you're gonna make it eight.
So that you two can take some time,
teach each other to reciprocate.
She feels that my sentimental side should be held with kid gloves
But she doesn't know that I left my urge in the icebox
She swears I'm just prey to the female,
Well then hook me up and throw me,
baby cakes, cuz I like to get hooked.
The clock is set for nine but you know you're gonna make it eight.
All the people that you've loved
they're all bound to leave some keepsakes.
I've been swinging all the time,
think it's time to learn your way.
I picture you and me together in the jungle it would be ok.
I'll bring you when my lifeboat sails through the night
That is supposing that you don't sleep tonight

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song performed by InterpolReport problemRelated quotes
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Madame, vous étiez petite,
J'avais douze ans ;
Vous oubliez vos courtisans
Bien vite !

Je ne voyais que vous au jeu
Parmi les autres ;
Mes doigts frôlaient parfois les vôtres
Un peu...

Comme à la première visite
Faite au rosier,
Le papillon sans appuyer

Et de feuille en feuille, hésitant,
S'approche, et n'ose
Monter droit au miel que la rose
Lui tend,

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LSDearly Beloved

Shoulders sagging and spines dragging so weary
No escapes dream states groovin to Tim Leary
Dreary lives mime scary times tastes so melodic
Episodic seasons chronic greetings psychotic
Meetings touch L.S.Dearly
Beloved don’t covet the days and months yearly
Ears hearing the colors sway and fearing the eerie
Feelings in fields of view corroded by smelling the teary
Developments enveloping everything in the being
To coax out a hoax and mislead the misleading
Displeasing stigmas stuck on melting backs like a dorsal
Forceful impressions from head to toe through the torso
Hallucination invitations in the dropp of a morsel
Promise clues to breakthrough this dimension in Morse code
And forgo...

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Where I belong: My Own Home

All this discriminating,
Got me contemplating,
Where I belong?
Its got me 'singing the same old song'.

All the contradicting
Has got me pondering
On the human race
That lurks apon this earth's face.

The dictating,
Got me wondering,
For a home,
Of my own,
Got me wanting to burst,
Increasing me hunger, increasing my thirst,
To search,
For mountains I was supposed to climb,
and not that all along were not my own, that made me mime.

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