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Quotes about mime, page 10

Something Theatrical

Come to the theatre, discern the actions, there on the stage,
With actors giving you their all, your interest to engage,
The light, scenery and music, the atmosphere is great,
There's drama, and there's comedy, it's a chance to celebrate.

Such power in the performance, which can always mesmerize,
The colour and the spectacle that unfolds before your eyes,
The musical and the pantomime, are all such fun to see,
The songs are awe inspiring, 'Cinderella' is for me.
A story of love and romance, with a happy ending too,
Also 'Aladdin and his Magic Lamp', with a genie spot on cue.

From Shakespeare, to playwrights new, they're there to entertain,
So venture to the theatre, your trip won't be in vain,
The costumes are fantastic, the settings are just right,
I know you won't regret it, so go and have a super night.

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The starling in the ivy now,
For to amuse his dear,
Mimics the dog, the cat, the cow,
Blackbird and Chanticleer.

The starling's an accomplished mime:
Between his love-making
He solaces her brooding-time
By many a madcap thing.

He is the saw, the spade, the scythe,
He rings the dinner bell;
Chuckles of laughter, small and blithe,
Of self-laudations tell.

Now by the battle-field he mocks
As though 'twere but a game,
Thunder with which the belfry rocks
And the great bursts of flame.

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To Allow Me

To allow me the rests complains to my spirit,
This spirit that rests inside my heart shall never cease,
This spirit is a ghost of the sums of gold and silver,
Forming me aright, from the icons that are displayed.
A real reason rests with the righteousness of relics,
My angers are asked by the rest of the angry crowd,
Turbulent times call for the truer punishments
In the heart of mine that bleeds.

Do not be mean to my spirit that sentences a man
To deathly encounters, fixed in their realms
As the eyes have calling of tears, rests are afoot,
And about them the wrestling is about.

To allow me a solution to these problems
Causes me to found a society where I
Judge the right punishments and sports
For the hearty men and women who live.
Those who love and inhabit their daily habits
Shall mime with the heavenly maidens

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The Mysterious Cat

A chant for a children's pantomime dance, suggested by a picture painted by George Mather Richards.

I saw a proud, mysterious cat,
I saw a proud, mysterious cat
Too proud to catch a mouse or rat—
Mew, mew, mew.

But catnip she would eat, and purr,
But catnip she would eat, and purr.
And goldfish she did much prefer—
Mew, mew, mew.

I saw a cat—'twas but a dream,
I saw a cat—'twas but a dream
Who scorned the slave that brought her cream—
Mew, mew, mew.

Unless the slave were dressed in style,
Unless the slave were dressed in style

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What ecstasy you've got into
Tumbling home, me and all you do

Frisky sometimes in perfect rhyme
Frowning sometimes in hassling mime

Breeziest breeze but not a gale
Brisk hurling litters all in bale

See, the surging're roaring
Upping, upping tides overlapping

See, the flying're pushing
Downing down in your tilting

See, the tottering're beating
Fluttering leaves in your strewing

See, the slamming're hitting
Drying clothes far in your tumbling

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I Miss You

I miss you, in silence you echo
In raindropp your eyes glow
Memories fill my head with orchestral theme
Tears shed, your hair soft on my face in silent dream.
I miss you like the twilight kiss of May
Like single dove in lighted bay
Memories blown down a street
Into shops where once we'd meet.
Loves' tremble at the start
Left only an aching heart
When did your love depart.
I miss you like a childhood summer
You reverberate in my soul
now in my mind like distant drummer
As i take the lonely stroll.
Memories tattooed on arms entwined
When every sigh sang something new.
Now i can't kiss you and in our music we mime
And i miss you for only in dreams we rhyme.
I look for you amid commuter throng

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Among the dark trees these in autumn prime
rise under empty skies/Let colour leaven
the shadowed woods I wander through in time.

Red oak and bright sweet chestnut spread sublime
rich canopies for jay or squirrel, woven
among the dark trees, these. In autumn prime,

acorns and prickly chestuts challenge rhyme,
pale cases and their gilt-speared leaves enliven
the shadowed woods I wander through. In time,

late summer chills the landscape. As I climb
words dropp like a snow-warning, white as heaven
among the dark trees. These in autumn prime

their measures with the season, pulse and mime
and fall in hasty turbulence, panic driven
from sahdowed words I wander through. In time

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Charades II

Twas my impression, hours bending
infinitum in our minds' stall,
a ship to escape, deft sailors' call,
as times were hard and not ending.

Upon the ship were ghosts of souls,
as slow the dusk subscribed to night,
tulips of smoke, in hazed dim light,
three sailor forms in charades sprawls.

They danced and danced the nights after,
umpteen mimicks, and each mime word,
a riddle to enslave minds' circuit board,
ghosts jumped with their looney laughter.

We danced with them under the rain;
odd marionettes of dark ship hustle;
rotated round a conceived axle;
(the ship wants us to wind and feign) .

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Natural Rhythm

Looking at a meadow, a field of spring’s delight,
with insects fluttering and twittering in flight,
chirping thought the day and in to the twilight.
The butterflies flap an unkempt melody,
contrasted by the sharp humming of a bumblebee,
all balancing an earthly composed symphony.
Even the clouds cast lightning like a conductor,
followed by a seemingly catastrophic blunder,
a raucous rumbling blast of cacophonic thunder.
Now when I look out of my window,
I see the clouds casting a shadow,
upon those fields so open and fallow.
With their grass and flowers swaying in the breeze,
matching the rhythm of the leaves,
a musical rustling amongst the trees.
The whole world seems to mimic this mime,
all moving to and fro, always in time,
as if dancing to a melodic chime.
Maybe the world is not asleep,
and the patter of rain, that the clouds do weep,

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Poem from a Picture

(Children at play on a French Battlefield)
'When I was a child,'
You shall tell one day,
Children, on these blackened fields
Gallantly at play,
'All the quiet sky
Burst in death aflame;
One day, I was young,
Then . . . The Horror came.'
'When I was a child . . .'
Wind-tossed leaves of war,
Is there childhood still for you,
Wise in horror-lore,
Who have heard your sisters' screams
Shattering your play,
Seen your mothers past their dead
Led to shame away?
Ragged, helpless, maimed,
Hungry, left alone
Where the smoking roof-beams lie

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From Bare Despair Prepare Rare Future Fair

Strangers in strange lands where nature's maps
are daily altered: who can tell, perhaps
utopian dreams may one day be fulfilled -
what wishes we project with one 'perhaps'!

But that 'perhaps' with other minds must be
shared or entrusted till eternity
when bell and tale are told, both drum and gong,
before too long all meet their destiny.

Another week ticks off its finite hours,
last leaves weak fall, distressed are hedgerows, bowers,
no rainbow reign, polluted heaven spans
streams as polluted, mole in burrow cowers.

Today tomorrow's fears must count the cost,
of vested interests, while, with fingers crossed,
fire, freeze turn topsy-turvy, climates change,
strategic opportunities are lost.

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Shut Down The Canadian Parole Board


Why do we have to listen and obey the Parole Board pantomime?
And why can't these prisoners be required to serve all of their time?
And the Parole Board should be shut down for at least twenty years,
They are the problem that allow killers free without tears.

Killers back on the street is a reason why parole boards should be shut down,
If we had binding referendums, we could bring this around,
We don't even have set-date elections as released killers walk free,
As they all claim Trudeau's Charter Rights and the Parole Boards agree.

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I Am Through With It

'Existentialists are monumentally and
monotonously serious;
they don't like to joke.'
Wislawa Szymborska

i am through with this
seriousness, they all think that i do not know how to joke,

look at me
closely are not my lips big enough to be
your clown?

are not my arms longer than my legs
do i not look like a chimpanzee
to you
as you read my english poetry?

look at my eyes
bad, these eyes are bad, with thick eyelashes and thicker eyelids
looking like the beard of the walrus

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The Farmer's Wife

From the hodge porridge
of their country lust,
their local life in Illinois,
where all their acres look
like a sprouting broom factory,
they name just en years now
that she has been his habit;
as again tonight he'll say
honey bunch let's go
and she will not say how there
must be more to living
than this brief bright bridge
of the raucous bed or even
the slow braille touch of him
like a heavy god grown light,
that old pantomime of love
that she wants although
it leaves her still alone,
built back again at last,
mind's apart from him, living

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A Mountain Storm

OUR blue sierras shone serene, sublime,
When ghostly shapes came crowding up the air,
Shadowing the landscape with some vast despair;
And all was changed as in weird pantomime,
Transfigured into vague, fantastic form
By that tremendous carnival of storm.
Pilgrim processions of bowed trees that climb
To sacred summits, in the clashing hail
Shuddered like flagellants beneath the flail.
Most gracious hills, in that tempestuous time,
Went wild as angered bulls, with bellowing cry
And goring horns that strove to charge the sky.
Masses of rock, long gnawed by stealthy rime,
With sudden roar that made our bravest blanch,
Came volleying down in fatal avalanche.
All nature seemed convulsed in some fierce crime,
And then a rainbow, and behold! the sun
Went comforting the harebells one by one;
And all was still save for the vesper chime
From far, faint belfry bathed in creamy light,

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I Return...

As I walk thru the lonely lanes,
Amongst paddies and rivers and canes,
With shower of kisses in billions,
The mother parting a few in millions.
Ye needeth, for the flurry to destiny, scripts,
Those cherished moments that time cant buy.

Crawling n brawling with innocent smile
To aping and limping in custody of guile
With dare n care unknown in style,
Surrendered thyself in destiny fragile.

Tiny droplets quivering to shine,
Reflecting the colors of rainbow in line,
Rejuvenating thoughts of yesteryear in while,
That carries the soul in wetness of Nile.

The solitary soldier fighting time,
Remembering the tune of childhood chime,
To compare the life of artificial mime,

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Blue Noodles And The Silver Moon

Twas christmas time in Oxford street, we shopped for presents, trying to be discreet, carols and lights that end so soon, blue noodles and the silver moon.

The cobbled street's of Tunbridge Wells, each time we kissed, it rang the bells,
love is all, when all cocooned, blue noodles and the silver moon.

Riding elephants on a Thailand beach, tsunami heartbeat and gentle feet,
blood red sky and clouds that swoon, blue noodles and that silver moon.

Summer in Paris, arms entwined, I loved you so, for you were mine, caress the louvre, mime the rhymes, bastille gate's they sense a crime, wicked feats condemn and soon,
blue noodles shiver beneath frightened moon.

Barcelona nights of a fashion lust, a tapas dawn and velvet crush, sense foreboding and creeping doom, blue noodles choke by a crying moon.

So tell me then, what changed your mood? I hoped to seek of a heart turned crude,
we said goodbye and I thus conclude, farewell blue noodles, adios sweet moon.

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My Mother

I thought i saw my mother
Emerging from the bric-a brac
Silent sifting through bargain rack
In search of any ornament fine
Cut price silver service
Where nobody comes to dine.
I thought i heard my mother
Call me in for tea
One summer's night when fading light
Caught me in reverie.
We sometimes talk in dreams now
That's how it has to be.
I always see my mother
At birthday and Christmas time
Her laugh and gentle smile
I reply and watch her mime
Teenager at the table
When time was on our side
Life is an endless fable
Where hopes ebb with the tide.

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They feel theyve raised her
The new queen of evolution
Her fate wont see to that
Cause were gonna know her later
Grab that girl
Get her home
Lets put her on restriction
Last time we let her go
She missed 2 days of school
Lets get her back
Get her back
This feels like a real life fantasy
It feels like you
Relaxed in vermin life
Applause takes place of feeling bad
So you tried it
Recalling memories
Of charm school pantomime turned so bad
Dainty socialite

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In Memoriam A. H. H.: 105. To-night ungather'd let us leave

To-night ungather'd let us leave
This laurel, let this holly stand:
We live within the stranger's land,
And strangely falls our Christmas-eve.
Our father's dust is left alone
And silent under other snows:
There in due time the woodbine blows,
The violet comes, but we are gone.
No more shall wayward grief abuse
The genial hour with mask and mime;
For change of place, like growth of time,
Has broke the bond of dying use.

Let cares that petty shadows cast,
By which our lives are chiefly proved,
A little spare the night I loved,
And hold it solemn to the past.

But let no footstep beat the floor,
Nor bowl of wassail mantle warm;

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