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Quotes about mime, page 11

On Children

What children need is love and care;
Unfairness, they can never bear;
They fight by calling silly names;
They can devise their own good games.

They want nice words for achievements;
And they forget their arguments;
They seek attention all the time;
They love to watch clowns and to mime.

Alas, they are like tender shoots!
They need good foundation like roots;
They crave for opportunities;
They’re offended when others tease.

Children are children everywhere;
To do brave acts, at times, they dare;
They must be given freedom, rights;
They fear darkness and violent sights.

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por qu ya no me quieres, si soy la misma
Que tan enamorado t queras?
ser que con el tiempo hayas
El amor que tenas para m contigo?
Son cosas de la vida, hoy me toc perder
Tengo que abandonar lo que fue mo ayer
Quizs ya con el tiempo t puedas comprender
Que como yo te quise nadie te va a querer
Sola, me siento sola sin tu amor,
Solo me queda un gran dolor dentro de m, dentro de m
Sola, estoy a solas sin poder ser la que fuera tu querer
Hoy solo vivo en el ayer, en el ayer
por qu ya no me amas como antes?
Ya solo soy tu amiga, no tu amante
o acaso has encontrado otro cario
Que mejor que yo te mime como un nio?
Son cosas de la vida, hoy me toc perder
Tengo que abandonar lo que fue mo ayer
Quizs ya con el tiempo tu puedas comprender

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song performed by Gloria EstefanReport problemRelated quotes
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Real By Reel

In this secret time, invading on our privacy
Unknowing we mime, we play for the ministry
The can film you in bed
Or when you take a bath
They can tape every cry
They can tape every laugh
They can turn you around so you wont know whats
Real by reel
Busy little bees recording everything you feel
On real by reel
Documented down like rats
Theyre catching up on every squeal
On real by reel
Real by reel by real by
In this hidden time, ignorance may help you to cope
Rehearsing for crimes, and sex just in government cinemascope
The can film you at work
Or when they let you play
They can tape what you think
They can tape what you say

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song performed by XtcReport problemRelated quotes
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Real By Reel

In this secret time, invading on our privacy
Unknowing we mime, we play for the ministry
The can film you in bed
Or when you take a bath
They can tape every cry
They can tape every laugh
They can turn you around so you wont know whats
Real by reel
Busy little bees recording everything you feel
On real by reel
Documented down like rats
Theyre catching up on every squeal
On real by reel
Real by reel by real by
In this hidden time, ignorance may help you to cope
Rehearsing for crimes, and sex just in government cinemascope
The can film you at work
Or when they let you play
They can tape what you think
They can tape what you say

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Hand Of Fate

How beautiful
The lover I did not know.
That mute delight of her smile.
And so wonderful
The angel too,
That didn't show.
Invisible in white only to beguile.
Apprehended by the hand of fate,
They both waited
At my garden gate.
Humming like a storm.
Then they were gone.
When their suns had shone.
Like rose petal swarm.
The plume so red.
Lovers that never shared my bed,
They rise from love's funeral pyre.
To the music of an ancient lyre.
Played only by the wind.
Hopes pinned

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The First Poets

The First Poets hunted game in the forest and on the plains-
inventing signs and gestures; guttural sounds and mime-
and ultimately Words.

The First Poets wrote words and drew pictures
on the walls of caves
stamping their feet to drum-beats;
learning to dance.

The First Poets invented music for their words
religion, books and counting-conjuring up
in each instance-new things.

The First Poets imagined names for plants,
animals, birds and creatures of the sea;
sang songs about them-wrote poems and hymns.
creating sentiment, vows and promises-
marriage ceremonies.

Poets invented the idea of the Idea, of kindness, and visions.

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Crucified Souls

Imploring crucified souls......
Roaring chides of philanthropists....
Crumbling emotions &
Broken wings of dreams....
Are provoking enough for you? ? ?

We have listened from connoisseurs of spirituality...
You are invincible......
An Eternal Shrining Almighty........

Are you a very much part of bureaucrats? ? ? ?
Or, just a loyal audience of baffoons? ? ?
Are you reclusive, or bashful? ?
Or in a state of hibernation? ?

We, the soul-less embodies.....
We, your puritanical cardinals...
supplicating to you.........

Whoever you are,

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Enfold In Her Cool Caress

Today I did not feel guilty for being me,
for every idiosyncrasy, for every dream
and vision I cherished in the face of all
the demands to the contrary, requiring
ice-cold sang-froid and an eye diligently
kept on all the scary events in reality

I did not look at a newspaper to enjoy
feeling threatened by news events, I
looked at the sky instead and saw a
beautiful pantomime in the clouds, the
sun led a colourful, though coy, dance
in which he frequently ran away

Leaving his subjects forlorn in the grey,
whenever he showed his laughing rays
I rejoiced in the world born anew - and
suddenly the sky remained overcast and
it looked like rain, the perfect ending
to the perfect day, the sun gave up

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A Logical Song, A Reply - Parody

Why, Jack, though attractive your rhyme,
there’s no conflict – temptation and fear
disappear when one has a good time –
with oneself, - subject/object my Dear!

Although beauty with age fades away,
one may still seize the joystick to buoy
and re-use it by night and by day,
so, pray, what’s the use of a boy?

I may add, Jack, with jacking to toy
is a sport each may teach in her way,
fornication’s no fun to enjoy
if before play one can’t reach “olé! ”

The debate’s not half mast, you can climb
up to Venus, from f[r]ont or from rear,
fornication’s too often false mime –
so, Jack! – have I made myself clear?

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King Solomon And The Queen Of Sheba

(A Poem Game.)

“And when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, . . .
she came to prove him with hard questions.”

[The men’s leader rises as he sees the Queen unveiling
and approaching a position that gives her half of the stage.]

Men’s Leader: The Queen of Sheba came to see King Solomon.
[He bows three times.]
I was King Solomon,
I was King Solomon,
I was King Solomon.

[She bows three times.]
Women’s Leader: I was the Queen,
I was the Queen,
I was the Queen.

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The Phantasm

The Phantasm
I observed people
on a sprawling tall tree
gladly perched and poised ecstatically
on the strong green branches
picking devouring and eating heartily
the ripe juicy fruits with glee.

I, down below looked up
longed to be above-to sup
with them in their band
and be aloft and grand
to stuff, gormandize and burp.

In time I took time
and with great difficulty
climbed the tree, them to mime
and for a short time
my craving was in satiety.

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Mickey Mollynoo

A mile-long panto dragon ploddin'
'opeless all the day,
Stuffed out with kits, 'n' spiked with rifles,
steamin' in its sweat,
A-heavin' down the misty road, club-footed
through the clay,
By waggons bogged 'n' buckin' guns,
the wildest welter yet,
Like 'arf creation's tenants shiftin' early
in the wet.

We're marchin' out, we dunno where, to meet
we dunno who;
But here we lights eventual, 'n' sighs 'n'
slips the kit,
'N', 'struth, the first to take us on is Mickie
A copper of the Port he was, when 'istory
was writ.
Sez I : “We're sent to face the foe, 'n', selp

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Behind The Door

Behind the door of every house,
In every street, in every town
A story is unfolding
A story is unfolding of love and hate
The most of us wait of hopes and fears
Of smiles and tears of dreams
That lies a moldering
Behind the door of every house,
In every street, in every town
The stage is set for playing
The stage is set for playing
And I call crime and punch your mime
Sweet romance, a rich will dance
Characters are playing
Behind the door of every house,
In every street, in every town
The people are a waiting
The people are a waiting
To bare and die, the years go by
The wedding spree the cruelty

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Written by brian vander ark
The show is over close the story book
There will be no encore
And all the random hands that I have shook
Well theyre reaching for the door
I watch their backs as they leave single file
But you stood stubborn, cheering all the while
I know I can be colorful
I know I can be gray
But I know this losers living fortunate
Cause I know you will love me either way
Most were being good for goodness sake
But you wouldnt pantomime
You are more beautiful when you awake
Than most are in a lifetime
Through the haze that is my memory well
You stayed for drama though you paid for a comedy
I know I can be colorful
I know I can be gray
But I know this losers living fortunate

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song performed by Verve PipeReport problemRelated quotes
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The tiger's tail swished left and right, to signal his concern.
The easy prey was in his sight, if startled, it would turn...
The tiger's whiskers twitched as well, with tension-troubled verve.
He stood transfixed, as in a spell, as if he'd lost his nerve.
By stealth, at first, the hunt began - his wild eyes stared ahead
And step-by-step, he formed his plan, in case his victim fled.
Escape routes noted, here and there, the obstacles nearby...
The times to leap up in the air and for a short time fly...
All his skills and his behaviour meant conscience was denied...
All the odds seemed in his favour. The fates seemed on his side.
He stood alone, no-one to blame, his burden, win or lose...
His heart was stone, his eyes aflame, the moment, his to choose...
The time was near, one minute more, the countdown now in force...
His every heartbeat keeping score, like tremblings in his paws...
What happened next was just a blur... A total pantomime...
All he could do was simply grrr! 'Cos he messed up, big time!

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Stealth'.

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Mute Witness

Your poor witness
Crying so loudly on the floor
Oh, well, shes only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
She is only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
Now see her standing on the table
With her small arms flailing
And you feel such compassion
In your soul for
Your mute witness
Still testing the strength
Of our patience
Oh, well shes only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
She is only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
Now see her pointing to the frisbee
With a memory so fuzzy
And her silent words

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song performed by MorrisseyReport problemRelated quotes
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Poets Of A Feather

From a circle of inner circumstance i came into being-
From many light years ago of time-
Revolved and returned-hopeful-yet concerned...
I set forth on my mission of rhyme;

So many have inspired my writing...
For many and multiple reasons...
Catching my breath and my very words-
I extend them-as a poet for all seasons;

Come read me in the Dead of Winter...
Come pore over my Springtime Prose...
Peruse me in the Heated Summer...
Or read me as the Fall time grows;

All nestled in the fallen leaves...
Blown crisp through Autumns Northern air...
Burnished-Gold influence emulates...
In poetic verse that my muse dares to bare;

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Is There Anybody There

Music :rudolf schenker
Lyrics:klaus meine, herman rarebell
Open my mind let me find new vibrations
Tell me the way I must take to reach my destination
And a place where I can stay
Where is the love of my life couldnt find her
Show me the way to find myself
cause Im nowhere in the darkness of these days
Is there anybody there who feels that vibration
Who whows me the way to my love
Is there anybody there with that inclination
To bring back to sun to my heart
I find myself in a state of confusion
Lifes like a pantomime trick or a laser illusion
Wheres a place that I can stay
Save me dont let me get lost in the ocean
I need your help everyday to control my emotions
In the darkness of these days
Is there anybody there who feels that vibration
Who shows me the way to my love

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Thomas Hardy

The Wistful Lady

'Love, while you were away there came to me -
From whence I cannot tell -
A plaintive lady pale and passionless,
Who bent her eyes upon me critically,
And weighed me with a wearing wistfulness,
As if she knew me well.'

'I saw no lady of that wistful sort
As I came riding home.
Perhaps she was some dame the Fates constrain
By memories sadder than she can support,
Or by unhappy vacancy of brain,
To leave her roof and roam?'

'Ah, but she knew me. And before this time
I have seen her, lending ear
To my light outdoor words, and pondering each,
Her frail white finger swayed in pantomime,

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The path of a six year old believer!

The path of a six year old believer!
Love, in absence
Where did “He” go?
Out for a pack of Marlboro cigarettes
Or to join the latest cabaret, pantomime show.
Who amongst us would know?
Didn’t “He” say his love?
Would be eternal, “Sister”

Isn’t that just a tinselled, cover-up?
Another green Cyanide-pill
A vitamin for the heart and soul (Banal)
Take your medicine. Ask no questions.
Nothing, meaningful or maternal (Here)
Just another missing Christmas… (Gift) (Wish)
That melted with the first snow.

Of course were all missing, you, Father?
Of course were all shallow children, and Father…
Of course we’ll swallow any old-lie whole.

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