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Quotes about mime, page 12

Secret of the Sun

Raised by the bare bones of nature’s grace,
my home held hands with the feral forest,
where nature hid her gold.

I have heard palm trees whisper their stories
I have listened to the silent full moon quietly teach
lessons of those who had lived.
I know of the green secrets of the earth
Soft voices of searching roots that sprout forth, cluster
around my hut to tell.

I am from the bowels of Africa,
I understand the tongue of the wild.
I have swayed to the blue songs of humming birds that fill the
tree branches with their nests.
I have had breakfast plucked ripe off the tree
and lunch caught right from the river.
I have aimed a stick in the forest and secured supper.

I am from the bowels of Africa,

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Blue Heaven Rendezvous

Blue light guitars and a tropical breeze
Hummin birds mime the words as they dance in the trees
Its a flashback kind of crowd
Its a cabaret sound
Theres still some magic left in this tourist town
Those crazy days
And crazy ways
We never want to undo
Well be together
Now and forever
At the blue heaven rendezvous
Were weird roman candles
Burnin bright at both ends
At the end of the roads
Where this story beings
Where the green of the gulf
Meets the blue of the sea
What makes it all happens
Still a mystery to me
Those crazy days

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song performed by Jimmy BuffettReport problemRelated quotes
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My True Love Is Dead

My hearts been broken for sum time,

My true luv died a painful death that left him a mime.

See, he isnt the true love that anyone would think of,

But he was dear to me a mentor, provider hero angel dove,

Penetrative pain I feel everyday,

It isnt a moment that doesnt pass by that i dont lay, ...

Down in tears pour from my eyes, .

The feelin of anguish i feel I despise.

That others have had the chance to play the same roll,

But fall short for what ever reason and fold,

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Theme From The Bottom

I feed from the bottom, you feed from the top
I live upon morsels you happen to drop
And coffee that somehow leaks out of your cup
If nothing comes down then Im forced to swim up
On the way upwards, the colors come back
But all along the bottom is blue, grey, and black
The darkness is cold and perception goes wrong
And the night seems to go on incredibly long
So I ask you why if Im swimming by,
Dont you see anything youd like to try?
Pantomime mixtures of heaven and earth
Jumbled events that have less than no worth
Time in the forest to dig under rocks
Or float in the ocean asleep in a box
Or sink just below all the churning and froth
And swim to the light source or fly like a moth
So toss away stuff you dont need in the end
But keep whats important and know whos your friend
So I ask you why if Im swimming by,
Dont you see anything that youd like to try?

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song performed by PhishReport problemRelated quotes
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The Harpy

There was a woman, and she was wise; woefully wise was she;
She was old, so old, yet her years all told were but a score and three;
And she knew by heart, from finish to start, the Book of Iniquity.

There is no hope for such as I on earth, nor yet in Heaven;
Unloved I live, unloved I die, unpitied, unforgiven;
A loathed jade, I ply my trade, unhallowed and unshriven.

I paint my cheeks, for they are white, and cheeks of chalk men hate;
Mine eyes with wine I make them shine, that man may seek and sate;
With overhead a lamp of red I sit me down and wait

Until they come, the nightly scum, with drunken eyes aflame;
Your sweethearts, sons, ye scornful ones -- 'tis I who know their shame.
The gods, ye see, are brutes to me -- and so I play my game.

For life is not the thing we thought, and not the thing we plan;
And Woman in a bitter world must do the best she can --
Must yield the stroke, and bear the yoke, and serve the will of man;

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Our Souls Entwine with Energies Sublime

Our souls entwine with energies sublime
As elemental manifestations guide our way.
They guide this heart of mine.

Our Lords observe from their thrones celestial
As we dance in terrestrial spheres,
Seeking transcendence beyond the day.

Every now and then Our Lords appease our fears
Laying their survival in the hands of the Fates
As they descend to mingle with the offspring of creation.

Grey clouds upon the horizon feed the reminiscence
Of a time when we would believe everything our elders taught us
Only now for us to believe that they hath deceived us in their teachings,
Preaching as they are, a faith blind without comprehension.
Hey understand not the language of their creation.

Nine men dance a Morris eternal,
Feeding the need for preparation.

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Hans Christian Andersen

Ved en Forestilling af Familien Price

Nu er det Vinter, det vi Alle føle,
Og har vi ikke Snee, saa har vi Søle,
Fælt raakoldt, Storm, og Taage der kan smages,
Og Aftnen kommer naar Middagen dages.
En saadan Tid, indsvøbt i Taagemassen,
Har Trang til Trylleri — og Skuepladsen
Er Tryllekredsen — her staaer Skoven grøn,
Her skinner Sommersolen varm og skjøn,
Musikken klinger, Blomsten staaer i Flor,
Og midt i Sommertiden man sig troer!
Velkommen her til Scenens Tryllekreds,
Kom med et venligt Sind, bliv veltilfreds.
Ei Holbergs Lune klinger her for Folket,
Ei Nordens Old, som Oehlenschläger tolket,
Ei Vaudevillen spøgende og let;
Nei, noget Mindre vil man kalde det,
En Billedrække, som fra Syden kom,
Og som Kaleidoskopet vexler om
Med altid samme Treklang, samme Mine,
Pierrot, og Harlekin og Colombine.

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Shearers Dream

O I dreamt I shore in a shearing shed and it was a dream of joy
For every one of the rouseabouts was a girl dressed up as a boy
Dressed up like a page in a pantomime the prettiest ever seen
They had flaxen hair they had coal black hair and every shade between

There was short plump girls there was tall slim girls and the handsomest ever seen
They was four foot five they was six foot high and every shade between

The shed was cooled by electric fans that was over every shoot
The pens was of polished mahogany and everything else to suit
The huts had springs to the mattresses and the tucker was simply grand
And every night by the billabong we danced to a German band

Our pay was the wool on the jumbucks' backs so we shore till all was blue
The sheep was washed afore they was shore and the rams were scented too
And we all of us cried when the shed cut out in spite of the long hot days
For every hour them girls waltzed in with whisky and beer on trays

There was three of them girls to every chap and as jealous as they could be
There was three of them girls to every chap and six of them picked on me

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The Shearers Dream

O I dreamt I shore in a shearing shed and it was a dream of joy
For every one of the rouseabouts was a girl dressed up as a boy
Dressed up like a page in a pantomime the prettiest ever seen
They had flaxen hair they had coal black hair and every shade between

There was short plump girls there was tall slim girls and the handsomest ever seen
They was four foot five they was six foot high and every shade between

The shed was cooled by electric fans that was over every shoot
The pens was of polished mahogany and everything else to suit
The huts had springs to the mattresses and the tucker was simply grand
And every night by the billabong we danced to a German band

Our pay was the wool on the jumbucks' backs so we shore till all was blue
The sheep was washed afore they was shore and the rams were scented too
And we all of us cried when the shed cut out in spite of the long hot days
For every hour them girls waltzed in with whisky and beer on trays

There was three of them girls to every chap and as jealous as they could be
There was three of them girls to every chap and six of them picked on me

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My World Is Pyramid


Half of the fellow father as he doubles
His sea-sucked Adam in the hollow hulk,
Half of the fellow mother as she dabbles
To-morrow's diver in her horny milk,
Bisected shadows on the thunder's bone
Bolt for the salt unborn.

The fellow half was frozen as it bubbled
Corrosive spring out of the iceberg's crop,
The fellow seed and shadow as it babbled
The swing of milk was tufted in the pap,
For half of love was planted in the lost,
And the unplanted ghost.

The broken halves are fellowed in a cripple,
The crutch that marrow taps upon their sleep,
Limp in the street of sea, among the rabble
Of tide-tongued heads and bladders in the deep,

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Crank Call

If youre waiting for a call
It is double trouble the pressure of it all
This line is due for communication
Not if youve lost all reason
Crank call
Aint no fun at all
They want love they want a pantomime
To cut you in two thats a sexual crime
They dig the dirt they deal in
They dig the dirt they feed on
Crank call
Aint no fun at all
Oh yeah, all right
We dont waste time tonight
Oh yeah, all right
Why waste time tonight
Oh yeah, all right
Im mad Im all right
That tonight
We drop in you in heaven or hell

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song performed by Billy IdolReport problemRelated quotes
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Song: On Borrowed Time

We're all living on borrowed time,
Near the brooding sea and brine.
And we grow our primate's spine,
In every clime.

Since we crawled out from 'neath the grime,
And evolved to a species – prime.
We've been living on borrowed time,
On borrowed time.

On borrowed time. We feed and dine.
On borrowed time. In swill like swine.
On borrowed time. We sup our wine.
On borrowed time. On borrowed time!

On borrowed time. In slow decline.
On borrowed time. No season shines.
On borrowed time. No reason rhymes.
On borrowed time. On borrowed time!

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Another Spring Carol

Now Winter hath drifted
To bygone years,
And the sod is uplifted
By crocus spears;
And out of the hive the bee wings humming,
And we know that the Spring, the Spring, is coming.

For the snow hath melted
From sunless cleft,
And the clouds that pelted
Slant sleet have left
The sky as blue as a child's gaze after
Its tears have vanished and veered to laughter.

See! light is gleaming
In primrose brakes,
And out of its dreaming
The speedwell wakes,
And the tender tips of the timid clover
Peep forth to see if the frost be over.

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Picasso's Pugalist

All I can really say is that my new face
Looks like Picasso got punched,
And that’s okay: a little crooked, like President
D$ck, unsymmetrical, but big,
Like Dolly Parton’s tits- Some things which
Are real: speedy motorcycle, hearse’s right-of-
Way, sea-shanties which stormy areolas mermaid:
The phone rings from another planet,
Or demoted Pluto- I think its just you, but it never
Is: Solicitors, tax collectors, sisters.... Rivers
Run to the sea, but that is not where you can find me,
So for very long I’ve been reading naked in the igneous
Rockslides of her undraped back, crooning-
Video games say I’m overweight, but they’re stupid,
As the hands arrest empty Michigan, your groom’s
Flannel tuxedo accordions- When you didn’t answer,
As you can see, it was a Holocaust, a default,
The bankruptcy of a favorite super center- The trick
Lady’s overweight shoulders shrug, and we light off
Fireworks: Semis honked, this is the great America stretching

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William Makepeace Thackeray

The Pen And The Album

'I am Miss Catherine's book,' the album speaks;
'I've lain among your tomes these many weeks;
I'm tired of their old coats and yellow cheeks.

'Quick, Pen! and write a line with a good grace:
Come! draw me off a funny little face;
And, prithee, send me back to Chesham Place.'


'I am my master's faithful old Gold Pen;
I've served him three long years, and drawn since then
Thousands of funny women and droll men.

'O Album! could I tell you all his ways
And thoughts, since I am his, these thousand days,
Lord, how your pretty pages I'd amaze!'


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In The Matrix Of Life

When one stair goes up the other goes down.
Its like finding a corner within a circle.
You think by using your mind yet your mind thinks by using you.
You become a perplex conundrum when in retrospect you just a 1+1 math sum.
You've stole your whole life just for a frivolous randsom.
Its like being wed to oneself and yet you sign a prenuptial.
Driving on a freeway that has a stop sign.
Divorcing your thoughts just to have a division within your own mind.
Moving on parrellel lines, you look across and see your own mime.
Its like looking through a mirror yet the reflection is the sky.
But when you look through water you see a reflection of life.
How often can a tree grow without a stem.
If you open your mind to the possiblities, you realize a fish can drown.
Its like the physics of trying to understand virus behaviour without a host.
Probably impossible and possibility probable.
We follow a certain route of life
A script and every line.
But, what happens when one starts to adlib?
You change the course of life, redirecting every aspect.
The A's start from Z

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Gather Stashed Chips up

Gather stashed chips up while you may,
Time’s chimes tick tocsin flying
luck that still sees the light today
Chance soon turns, boon denying.

Rich stake once lost may not return
to line stitch pocket, betting
is fun when winning, luck may turn
loss apple-cart upsetting.

That win's best blessed which scorns greed's thirst,
when Chance has sped, choice rash is,
when dispossessed, blood vessels burst,
and Fortune flies, buys crashes !

For dreams of break the bank sublime
too often must miscarry
as wishful-thinking pantomime
can’t self-destruction parry.

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Beata Elizabeth - 1970

Beyond time's wall what scene is set
Eden's wish whet? or Lethe wet?
As wistful look closed book perceives
Time swallows all while beauty grieves
At evanescence, doomsday met.
Entrapped all mortals are, beget
Life for a season, for fall's leaves
Inters as dust all Man conceives.
Zero sum rule of thumb, each bet
Alas seems, double-b[l]ind roulette
Ball calls black wrack while victim heaves
Extenuated sigh, bereaves
The search for traces all forget.
Here dawn's in pawn, by dusk paid debt,
Bloom sere on stem, threads interweave
Events and causes, petty peeve
And high ideal peel off, Death's net
Takes all, calls bluff, rough, smooth, soothe, fret.
Awake, asleep, deep, light, believe
Each reaches for some signed reprieve,

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To Pius IX

THE cannon's brazen lips are cold;
No red shell blazes down the air;
And street and tower, and temple old,
Are silent as despair.
The Lombard stands no more at bay,
Rome's fresh young life has bled in vain;
The ravens scattered by the day
Come back with night again.
Now, while the fratricides of France
Are treading on the neck of Rome,
Hider at Gaeta, seize thy chance!
Coward and cruel, come!
Creep now from Naples' bloody skirt;
Thy mummer's part was acted well,
While Rome, with steel and fire begirt,
Before thy crusade fell!
Her death-groans answered to thy prayer;
Thy chant, the drum and bugle-call;
Thy lights, the burning villa's glare;
Thy beads, the shell and ball!

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02-04-2012 Brother I give you my answer for Black People African Sahara it mesmerizes the wise largest desert it is asked of we What is Africa is to me 3.3 million miles of grea

Brother I give you my answer
for Black People

African Sahara
it mesmerizes the wise
largest desert
it is asked of we
What is Africa is to me
3.3 million miles
of great desert
once a forest
once a great sea
once an empty hole
in space just waiting
to be that it can
birth the blackness
of who my mothers be
3.3 millions
you can not see it all
Trans Saharan trade

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