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Quotes about frisbee

25 quotes about frisbee.

I have as much chance of becoming Prime Minister as of being decapitated by a frisbee or of finding Elvis.

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When Brain Throws Frisbee

writing all day speeds tiring
tiring eyes minds eye dizzy
when brain throws spin frisbee

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When Love becomes a vehicle

Driving that blue Volvo
Parked strategically in a free spot
Escorting me through Chicago streets
Adept at the social nightlife scene

I was won over by one toss of the Frisbee
Because you set yourself apart immediately
Owning the room you only stayed briefly
I knew you understood how to have fun

While you have been the subject of other poems
I know in reality I never knew you
Sure admiring, wondering considering from afar
Your symbol remains a used blue Volvo

Now a mature, responsible adult
I would never play Frisbee when going out
Unless I was at a golf course
Alone with my daughter of course

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Were British protesters, armed with little more than a frisbee and a bag of plastic toy soldiers, really in danger of being shot by the US military in Gloucestershire?

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One can only guess the amount of magic mushrooms a sane person would have to consume to believe that a frisbee constituted a genuine threat to roughly 3,000 police officers.

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Summer Is Here

summer is here again
the sun scorches our skins
this hot summer

black crows flying low
on blue skies
hawks flying high
preying on innocent

dolphins in shallow
white sandy beaches
children chasing catching
colored frisbees

curves and bulges
strolling on the beach

summer time

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You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets "iffy", and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.

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Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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the churchgoers had parked
their cars in the parking lot
depriving me of my basketball court

so i rode my bike to Irving Park
watched those 'congregants'
play soccer, toss a frisbee, picnic,
and shoot hoops
enjoying God in their bodies and minds

i'll take the park over the church

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Me, My Dog, And The Beach

To the beach, my dog and I run,
Play catch frisbees, just for fun.
Umbrella's to block the sun,
Waves crash upon the sand.
My dog chases gulls that try to land. Sky so blue, sand so white,
My dog and I, were up at daylight.
Winds are warm and blowing slight,
Ocean sprays, dog strays,
Sand blows, through our toes. It gets cool, the sun goes down,
My dog and I, head back to town.
It's time we leave the beach to rest.
After all, we were just a guest.
All the birds have flown away.
We will come back, another day.
Just me and my dog, to play.

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Ashes on the Slide

When Jim and Bill and I were boys a many years ago,
How gayly did we use to hail the coming of the snow!
Our sleds, fresh painted red and with their runners round and bright,
Seemed to respond right briskly to our clamor of delight
As we dragged them up the slippery road that climbed the rugged hill
Where perched the old frame meetin'-house, so solemn-like and still.

Ah, coasting in those days--those good old days--was fun indeed!
Sleds at that time I 'd have you know were paragons of speed!
And if the hill got bare in spots, as hills will do, why then
We 'd haul on ice and snow to patch those bald spots up again;
But, oh! with what sad certainty our spirits would subside
When Deacon Frisbee sprinkled ashes where we used to slide!

The deacon he would roll his eyes and gnash his toothless gums,
And clear his skinny throat, and twirl his saintly, bony thumbs,
And tell you: 'When I wuz a boy, they taught me to eschew
The godless, ribald vanities which modern youth pursue!
The pathway that leads down to hell is slippery, straight, and wide;
And Satan lurks for prey where little boys are wont to slide!'

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That's What Makes America Cool, You Know?

With apology to Bruce Willis...

we don't wrap our women up in burkas,
we like bikinis on the beach,
we invented hula hoops and frisbees,
we tolerate what anyone may preach,
we got chicken in every pot,
cars in every parking lot,
that's what makes America cool, you know?

we can only smoke cigarettes on the street,
we strap our babies down in a car seat,
if you come here you will learn,
we're cautious at every turn,
every chick and dude knows all about health food,
we play rock and roll with attitude,
that's what makes America cool, you know?

for the most part we win the wars we fight,
for the most part we know wrong from right,

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Weekend away

The weekend we will go
past Gordonsbay
to Rooiels

and when the morning sun
just shows its head
and appear like a round ball

we will pick up circular green shells
on the beach
and stand alone
next to the mighty ocean

and you will put your fingers
right through one
and turn it round and around

and on the rocks
we will drink
cups of Mega coffee

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Cinderella 's Ramblings

Tonight I am Cinderella
And my roommate is my fairy godmother
I bathed in scented soap given to me by my bestfriend
My roommate curls my hair
I struggle with what to wear
Most of my clothes make me look fat
I settle for a safe outfit
My roommate accentuates my blah outfit
I put on make up and cologne
I wear my nice shoes
I'm all set
My friends pick me up
We all go to the party
I look nice, some friends tell me
I thank my roommate in my head
The dancing begins
I try the two step and the polka
I'm not very good at it
Played the frisbee tortilla
Almost won but not quite

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Large, Strong Hearts Required (in Honor of Mother's Day)

(For: All moms’ most precious memories)

He races out to pick
Juicy red
As I snip bits of
Fresh basil and oregano
“And, now what mom”,
He asks
(Just one
Of his now
Thirty-two questions
This morning)
Well, we will need
A great recipe
Let us give this a try…
***1 cup of warm and sunny days
To tend our garden of love

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Mute Witness

Your poor witness
Crying so loudly on the floor
Oh, well, shes only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
She is only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
Now see her standing on the table
With her small arms flailing
And you feel such compassion
In your soul for
Your mute witness
Still testing the strength
Of our patience
Oh, well shes only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
She is only trying to tell you
What it was that she saw
Now see her pointing to the frisbee
With a memory so fuzzy
And her silent words

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song performed by MorrisseyReport problemRelated quotes
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Too Far to Get Someone

I don't see anything attractive!
Not a thing to keep me busy.
Nothing as a gadget either.
No remote or a sign of a frisbee.
No TV or radio.
Or music played from a stereo?
Not even an instrument or a piece of art,
Hanging around.
This is rather stark!
This moment is profound.
No floral arrangements or magazines...
Nor a clock or a calendar to be found!
And you sent messages to me...
On your PC...
How delighted we would be discovering an 'e-mailed' love!
One meant to be?

But you left out more than one important fact...
You said you had a Tabby cat.
And I can't see why a roach,

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Day Job

Well we've been here once before
And we've stuck it out for more
When we come around well settle down
The cracks below the floor
Has it been eleven years
Since I've stood here with my peers
And we started out to conquer doubt and frisbee
I shouldve been a whole lot farther
I'm never going back to college
For just one good day job
You're not missing much for sure
Only everything that's yours
And at times it fails and we're full sail in the gutter
Is this home cause I forgot
If it is then thanks a lot
cause I can't pretend to know one end from the other
I should've been a whole lot farther
I'm never going back to college
For just one good day job
You're not missing much for sure

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song performed by Gin BlossomsReport problemRelated quotes
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Good 'ol summer days (god, I love 'em)

Good ‘Ol Summer Days

Fireworks, hot dogs, hide and seek in the dark
Slope shouldered willow tree, by the lake in the park

Lightning bugs rising, living sparks in the skies
Prisms of light, reflected in toddler’s amazed eyes

Sausage and burgers, hickory smoke and barbecue smells
Ripe barnyard odors, sounds of far-off church bells

Redolent richness of honey locust, saturates summer air
Summery scents, like bramble burrs, seemingly glued in ‘lil girls hair

Short lives of dainty mayflies, mating dance o’er slow muddy rivers
Skinny dips, swimming holes, warm winds, goose- bumpy shivers

Coppertone lotion, peeling nose, wraparound sunglasses
Hangin out at the library, summer-school catch-up classes

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A Girls Best Friend

It was just a novelty
That she took out for a test
But now it's become a hobby
a magnanimous old pest
Now she meditates addictions
With an ornament lothario
Trading one note Casanovas
For south equator Cyrono's
And she's slipping any minute
For diverting games of sole
Causing intoxicating earthquakes
In the land of rock and roll
Where the cat's jaws always slander
Interpretations of letter 'O'
Down the crevice in the jungle
Where wild submarines echo

Her girlfriends are complaining
That it just makes her look single
But she scales the walls with retorts

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P aroday not intended to be taken as real life story.Ed.Note.Ed

Sorority PhiBetaKappaKappaPhi has three meetings on successive days for the professionals collegiately involved this is one person's perspective.

Information Night: Day One: January 21sT @ 7 pm Professional Dress
John Thompson was reading the flyer carefully he was a member of Sorority PhiBetaKappaKappaPhi the only problem was the time is was now past FIVE on the 21sT day of January. Spring 2009 Rush.
Wednesday is not a good day for eye. He yelled for his girliefriend Louisemay to “COME help me get dressed for this thing” eye have to attend. Bring me mye Pizza Hut shirt its almost black and your sash eye have to make an ascot tie. Turn those black jeans around and make some sleeves out of them. Get my best earrings these hoops just won't do it and then let me have your pumps. No not those push up things eye meant the heels eye must have shoes that eye can mince in. Eye simply halve to look professional.

Appetizer Hour: January 22nD 5-7pm Business Casual
No eye can not wear a Dress a skirt mabe bring me a real long one let me try it on Oh Naomi the white tennis shoes simply won't work this time.

Bowling Night January 23rD 7-9pm Causual
Awright Suzzane bring me them short cuttoffs and them green puffy things for feetsies because we have to change into them long yucky bowling shoes when we get there at least we can wear them wing tips now and the neon Frisbee tee shirts. We will simply howl. John Thompson as the PhiBetaKappaKappaPhi Professional Business Fraternity member. All applications due Saturday January 24tH @ 5pm in the Main Dorm. Printed by the Sorority norm.

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