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Quotes about Finland

64 quotes about Finland.

We Finns represent a very transparent and open-minded way of reaching political decisions.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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The subject of Finnish poetry ought to have a special interest for the Japanese student, if only for the reason that Finnish poetry comes more closely in many respects to Japanese poetry than any other form of Western poetry.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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In Finland, we learned quite a lot from our own civil war. The wounds were visible when I was a boy, but my generation went into the Second World War and it united the Finnish nation, so I do not see any more wounds.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Rod Steiger

He saved the production a tremendous amount. Now they did the scene where Omar is on the horse and he's in the deep snow, they went to Finland to do that. That scene they went to Finland for a week. I wasn't around then.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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I loved movies and went to see every movie I could in Finland.

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I am from Finland and i speak 'Finglish'!
Because i am learning the English language and,
It always infuses with my Finnish.
I am learning to keep me going but,
I do speak my English like 'Finglish'! !
And i always try to enforce the truth of my peace like,
The subconscious act from my mind to muse up things:
But i am unaware of your love.
Try to keep me informed on this love and,
Try to teach me the English language so that i cam be with you;
For the heavens and the earth do know how i do speak.
Keep me on the tracks of your love and teach me more!
For one day i will learn the English language very well;
And i will be ready to teach you my Finnish language as well.

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Added by Poetry Lover
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In Finland, getting a university degree is the first thing that you expect your kids to do.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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I did some film reviews for small papers in Finland and things like that to be able to keep living here.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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In Finland we have equal political rights for women and men. We do not regard ourselves according to sex.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Finnish companies tend to be very traditional, not taking many risks. Silicon Valley is completely different: people here really live on the edge.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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I think we have grave problems. I am very much concerned about environmental questions, even though in Finnish society, we are not facing the most urgent problems.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Ah, Vilka Tider

h, vilka tider!
Paradiset hgrar
Du fr kalla det fantasier
Men nog r det en drm man minns
Drmde en drm, jag minns och jag knner
Vatten blev vin ovh fiender vnner
Mmm, det var hrlight att leva
Allting var fritt s vem skulle sakna
Ngonting d? Nej, paradis, nakna
Var vi som Adam och Eva
h, vilka tider!
Underbara dagar
Roar sig kungligt, mr som en prins
Njuter allt gott som finns
h, vilka tider!
Paradiset hgrar
Du fr kalla det fantasier
Men nog r det en drm man minns
Ingen var sur och ingen var dyster
Var och en var en bror och en syster

[...] Read more

song performed by ABBAReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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When I was a kid, I remember playing hockey outside and whenever you did, you thought about playing for Finland vs. Sweden. That's just the way it was.

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travel poem: Finland

vast forested wildernesses
Lemmenjoki National Park
and Oulanka National Park
wings of hawks and eagles

treks among the pines and
lakes in summer
in far north

It's a golden,
sunny season as Finland bursts

into life with an explosion of festivals,
good cheer
and optimism.

the towns are buzzing,
but it's also a time to head for the lakelands
of Mikkeli & around and

[...] Read more

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It proved to be pretty impossible to get funds for a feature film in Finland. It's still small, but the film industry was miniscule at that point in the early '80s.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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A government institution called the Finnish Film Foundation funds filmmaking there, and I wrote several screenplays but never got any money. They were sent back to me, and they said that they were too commercial for them.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Digital Chocolate has 60% of its developers in Finland where the sun never sets in the summer and there is nothing to do outside in the winter, so we are very productive!

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Added by Lucian Velea
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The Baltic Sea is becoming more and more polluted. Not everybody living near the shore of the Baltic Sea is protecting it. It is the water of life for countries like Finland and Sweden.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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The Finland of the 21st century can thrive only if women of learning - in common with their male counterparts - are guaranteed the opportunity to use their creative potential to the full.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Eventually, in '84, we made a film for a little over a million dollars - with American actors that was shot in English - that was shown in Finland A little action film called Born American.

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