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Quotes about mime, page 4

Th Reality Show

Tell me how to tell you about a flat
robotic voice,
asking for euthanasia,
a rite of passage for ceremony of death.
He said, he preferred lethal injection
to noose. But it should be painless,
and there should be no leakage of pain
on face. Mercy it be.

This was not a stage show.
No mummer was performing.
Sitting in lotus position
inviting the inevitable. Be my destiny,
my end.

A terminal prayer of infant dream,
which could not find words,
worth any weakness.

Going separately on different routes,

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The True Beatitude

They say, when the Great Prompter's hand shall ring
Down the last curtain upon earth and sea,
All the Good Mimes will have eternity
To praise their Author, worship love and sing ;
Or to the walls of Heaven wandering
Look down on those damned for a fretful d--- ,
Mock them (all theologians agree
On this reward for virtue), laugh, and fling

New sulphur on the sin-incarnadined . . .
Ah, Love! still temporal, and still atmospheric,
Teleologically unperturbed,
We share a peace by no divine divined,
An earthly garden hidden from any cleric,
Untrodden of God, by no Eternal curbed.

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Guitar Street

Theres a crazy sense of duty
As he licks between his fingers
Wipes the ketchup from his face and hands
Theres a strong determination
That his teachers never witnessed
Never close enough to understand
Hes like a bull just bred for fighting
He dont deliver nothing
Outside the only thing that he knows
School report just says hes lazy
His brother says hes crazy
But take a look cos there he goes
Through the avenues of fashion
To the palaces of dreams
All the way down guitar street
To some guitars are hot-rods
All along the quest for macho
To others a would-be ticket out of town
For joe a six-string sten gun
In the panto-revolution

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The Incombustible

My feelings are there
But the lava is still pantomime
There is no rush or hastiness
calm and cool where the wind takes it by
Cynosure to take heaven in hands
The man who has lost its cliche
The warmth and incombustible roar of gallantry
The anthropomorphic agony of desire
Has wretched man from the balm of life

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Rondo Mirror

When tidal waves of Time mock Fame,
have waved goodbye to humankind,
what which remains may, deep in rime,
deep-frozen stay until Change find
strange species with an unknown name,
whose mores no human finds sublime,
set out, new universes tame.

Alternative galactic clime
through nova warming – fun to blame -
could broil life first, then through enzyme
bacterial pride's self-acclaim
convert to carbon, methane, slime,
a vision choice, or hell-fire flame
devour the oddest pantomime
star systems witnessed, ‘sense’ proclaim.

A strange physique, another mind,
may race, chase universal prime,
act out perceived need, trace seed chain,

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At The Airport Lounge

All the trappings dropped
Some pretensions still clinging
I stand
At the crossroads
Of life's intersecting paths
Busy passers-by engrossed
In routine businesses
Walk hand in hand
Hands across shoulders
Endlessly with eyes closed
Their faces with sprinkled
Talcum powder and pantomime paint...

I stand
Feet straddled

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Sentinel Dad

Silent he,
the Sentinel Dad,
rampart high,
just beyond emotion's walls-
over which
messages are tossed;
and gifts showered saying
'I love you child.'

But he did not
leave enough
his Provider Post-
manned at all costs
but silently spoke
'don't you know
I love you most? '

And I
in child's reply

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Swinging Is More Than Just Dancing

One could assume that all we do is mime
It happens to be the easiest way we convey
Bodies intertwine two at a time
Two and two and two do play
Creating a loud harmonious chime
It is merely the sound created as we go astray
What we do, some consider a crime
We could never call it passé
For it creates a feeling called sublime.

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A Masque Of Venice

(A Dream.)

Not a stain,
In the sun-brimmed sapphire cup that is the sky-
Not a ripple on the black translucent lane
Of the palace-walled lagoon.
Not a cry
As the gondoliers with velvet oar glide by,
Through the golden afternoon.

From this height
Where the carved, age-yellowed balcony o'erjuts
Yonder liquid, marble pavement, see the light
Shimmer soft beneath the bridge,
That abuts
On a labyrinth of water-ways and shuts
Half their sky off with its ridge.

We shall mark
All the pageant from this ivory porch of ours,

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Knights of Dark Desire

Dark knights and weird partners to the crime,
Fallacy after fallacy let the music mime, and maime,
And dissolve this awkward, tearsome mystery,
A fellow faker and fellowshipped renouncer to bury.

What is more than this? A darkly person is like a lawful
Might that lingers on oneself, yet does He not know
What is more than this.

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Childhood Alone Is Glad

Childhood alone is glad. With it time flees
In constant mimes and bright festivities.
It, like the ever-restless butterfly,
Or seeks or settles on some flower of joy.
Youth chases pleasure, but oft starteth pain;
And love, youth's birthright, oft is love in vain;
While manhood follows wealth, or woos ambition,
That are but courted cares; and, with transition
Insensible, he enters upon age;
Thence gilding like a spectre from life's stage,
E'en through the door of dotage. So he passes
To second childhood; but, as quickening gases,
Being fled, leave zestless a once cheering draught,
We grow not merry though the dotard laughed.

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A Poem

A verse am I, in a twist,

Listen! You will hear, and get this gist

A prose, confounded in a diet of words

Holding expressions of virtue, to my world

One so hidden in simple complexities

Speak thus, in a whisper to receive a rhyme

A metaphor for the mysteries mime,

Seeking an imaginary audience to hear.

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Tell me
Did you really love me?
You promised that we were one
Before your heart came undone
With mine.
When you and I took stars to dine
Your candlelit cheek a rouge displayed
That rendered me weak
When my memory played
Every telepathic word that rhymed
-Between us
I have conciously mimed
To an empty room
To a closing door
Did you really love me or
was the blood that ran through our same vein
Just a lovers wine
Poured down a drain
Now I lie bleeding in the rain.
A heart that once was mine

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An Apparition

Under the canopy of trees
Spots of sunlight
Figures cuddling like bees
A surrealistic sight!
An apparition like reality enacting a mime
As if they would be there and not move with time
I have been through it like forever
Holding onto it, scared to lose it ever
This winter morning I’m part of their game
Happy to be there frozen in the frame!

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Alas I know not where to go - Letters from Amsterdam

Alas I know not where to go
Within this realm of shanty town insanities
Canals of ink weave between the fallen leaves
As footsteps upon the pavement beat out of time
With the miming of addict merchants rustling
Within the bustle of a thriving city life.
Blue skies over Amsterdam delude the mind
Of the love soaked mariner
The waves carved a line of froth that existed
Beyond the skylines fading
We boarded upon our Journey
Unknowing as to what we were to accomplish
No ground has been gained through disillusion
Yet these days I lay less confused
Upon the subject of my mindscape
Voices from the streets below echo
Throughout the stairwells of this hostel
This sanctuary of ours within which we
Pass away the time just as we pass away the hours.
Squalid surroundings ground

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Come Talk With Me

Come talk with me of many a thing,
Of autumn hues, and the buds of spring,
Of cloudy skies and the sunshine's beams,
The sharp reality, and the gentle dreams.

Come talk with me of joyful times,
Of fun and laughter and pantomimes,
Of life's sweet pleasures, delights and thrills,
But not of sadness or our earthly ills.

Come talk with me of love and bliss,
Of how we felt on our first kiss,
Of when we two became as one,
And our life together became fine-spun.

Come talk with me of everything,
Of bees and birds upon the wing,
Of nature's rare beauty all around,
Things that can so, the mind, astound.

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Addict of Punch and Judy shows
I was when I was small;
My kiddy laughter, I suppose,
Rang louder than them all.
The Judge with banter I would bait,
The Copper was a wretch;
But oh how I would hiss my hate
For grim Jack Ketch.

Although a grandsire grey I still
Love Punch and Judy shows,
And with my toddlers help to fill
Enthusiastic rows.
How jolly is their mirth to see,
And what a sigh they fetch,
When Punch begs to be shown and he
Jerks up Jack Ketch.

Heigh ho! No more I watch the play;
It is the audience

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Beside the Raging River Rhyme

Beside the raging river rhyme
poetry florets flower with prose.
Scripted sweet petals grow and entwine
English gardens of fragrant rose.

Immortalized in pantomime,
the sonnet's nuance smell,
intertwines with ivy vines
and comely cockleshell.

Flowing water of endless words
gather and come hither.
Make known your message meaningful
before the blossoms wither.

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To His Mistress

There comes an end to summer,
To spring showers and hoar rime;
His mumming to each mummer
Has somewhere end in time,
And since life ends and laughter,
And leaves fall and tears dry,
Who shall call love immortal,
When all that is must die?

Nay, sweet, let's leave unspoken
The vows the fates gainsay,
For all vows made are broken,
We love but while we may.
Let's kiss when kissing pleases,
And part when kisses pall,
Perchance, this time to-morrow,
We shall not love at all.

You ask my love completest,
As strong next year as now,

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A Mime May Mimic

A mime may mimic in a manner to entertain.
To connect the reason for a rhyme to make clear.
But one who impersonates to charade,
Does not intend to flatter another with praise.
Not when a stealing from one done,
To gain attention is meant.
With a masquerading of a deception to perfection,
To influence those transfixed by it.
Who 'assume' they witness originality presented.

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