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Quotes about food

16829 quotes about food.

Overweight with Food

Are you just a tub of lard and
Vastly overweight?
Do you think that when you die you'll
Need a piano crate
To act as coffin for your frame? -
Chosen as you die in shame, with
Only you to take the blame
For years of eating much the same:
A daily calorific fest
Gourmands of your ilk digest!

Is your heart in final fling and
Nearly set to burst?
Are your arteries bunged and clogged and
Feeling now the worst
For wear? - your aneurysm fit to blow
While blood as thick as rising dough
Cries 'Halt! ' to any hope of flow:
A dreadful state to put on show
In front of any nurse!

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Salad is Incompatible with Life

Yes, my waist is fifty inches -
Big for me because I'm short.
And yes, I like my cheddar cheese
When partnered with a vintage port.

Okay, okay, that double cream
Is always served with pud,
And cake and biscuits with my tea
Are just no bloody good

For my poor hardened arteries,
But see my point of view,
Please dear wifey if you please,
A Salad makes me spew!

I'd rather eat a bowl of air
Than crunch away on greens;
Drink water from the toilet bowl
Or nibble on my jeans!

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Syrup Sponge

Pour a pint of cream
Upon my spongy bulge!

Scoop me with a
Hefty spoon;

Taste my essence -
Do you swoon?

Feed your self-esteem; indulge
In me until you burst -

Death by syrup sponge - you're cursed!

And as the count in inches gain
Upon your weary waist, the strain
Will tell, but you'll not care -
Steeped in sponge, you're unaware!

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Fed Up

Fed up.
Stretched to the point,
I'm fed up.
Fed up by debts that peck,
On my back and neck.
And I can't lay down my head,
To get any rest to get.

Stretched to the point that I'm fed up!
Stretched to the point that I'm fed up!
Stretched to the point that I'm fed up!

'Would you like another loan? '

I'm stretched to the point that I'm fed up!
Stretched to the point that I'm fed up!
Stretched to the point that I'm fed up!

'Would you like another loan? '

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Foods high in bad fats, sugar and chemicals are directly linked to many negative emotions, whereas whole, natural foods rich in nutrients - foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes - contribute to greater energy and positive emotions.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Some food

Some food is
Medicine is some food...
Some food is poison...
Some food is Tenson...

Some food is Fear...
Some food is lovely...
Some food is Bland...
Some food is sweety...

Some food is spicy...
Some food is nothing...
Food is not only food
A good eatable medicine...

At only some food...
Some food...!

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Human beings do not eat nutrients, they eat food.

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You Have Got To Know Me

If you really want to know what it's like...
To hold a pillow tight without crying,
Feeling inside your emotions are dying.
You have got to know me.
I've been there not to leave.

If you really want to know what it's like...
To hold a pillow tight without crying,
Feeling inside your emotions are dying.
You have got to know me.
I've been there not to leave.

You have got to know me.

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I Like Birds

I cant look at the rocket launch
The trophy wives of the astronauts
And I wont listen to their words
cause I like
I dont care for walkin downtown
Crazy auto-car gonna mow me down
Look at all the people like cows in a herd
Well, I like
If youre small and on a search
Ive got a feeder for you to perch on
I cant stand in line at the store
The mean little people are such a bore
But its alright if you act like a turd
cause I like
If youre small and on a search
Ive got a feeder for you to perch on
Ive got a feeder for you to perch on

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song performed by EelsReport problemRelated quotes
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Hunger knows no friend but its feeder.

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Elie Wiesel

Memory feeds a culture, nourishes hope and makes a human, human.

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Eatin Food

eatin food
eatin food
eatinf food
eatin food to swallow sadnees
eatin food to make happienes
eatin food to satisfy
eatin food instead of gettin high
eatin food to be eatin food
and thats why im eatin food.

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Clifton Fadiman

Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking about not thinking.

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The more color, the more nutrients, usually.

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Angelina Jolie

What nourishes me also destroys me.

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Water is the most neglected nutrient in your diet but one of the most vital.

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A Food For Everything!

Meals are the food for the body;
Knowledge is the food for the mind;
Meditation is the food for the spirit;
Music is the food for the love of heart;
Dreams are the food for the consciousness;
Prayer is the food for the Almighty;
Love is the food for the living heart;
Thoughts are the food for the brain;
Colourful ink is the food for the pen;
Ideas are the food for the stories;
Truth is the food for the will;
Sun’s energy is the food for the plants;
Plants are the food for the living beings;
But one man’s food is another man’s poison!

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Fat Fed Leeching People

What they 'really' want?
A more greedier life to live.
What they 'really' hunger for?
Is less from them to give!

A me-me-I-I society...
Hooked on feeding greed.

What they 'really' want?
A more greedier life to live.
What they 'really' hunger for?
Is a leaner 'truth'
To soothe their whims.

Fat fed leeching people,
Poisoned to feed.
Don't understand,
Their demands are fading.

Fat fed leeching people,

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Lending nourishes bad feeling.

Arabian proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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I'm Guided By...Life!

My needs are overheating and exceeds excessive feeding.
Yes my needs are overheating and exceeds excessive feeding.

I'm guided by...
I'm driven by...
And finding it right,

I might...
To your delight.
And excited I am...
With you,

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