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Quotes about family

9932 quotes about family.

Family I love

love my family with my hold heart.
My love is Joy to love my family
Family is sad and happy and love.
Family is fun and painful and pretty.
My family is like all families we have
love and we have happiness and tears
I love my hold family
My family is like angels who fly in sky
I am grateful that I have family that loves
My family are kind and nice and fun to be
My family is painful like all familys are and
heart breaking and Evil sometimes
My family is heart breaking and deadly like
everyone else
Hey I can't stop loving my family not matter what
it coats in the family.
Way my family is just makes me want have family
with someone be as good as they are.

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Jimmy Smits

There's something so familial and intimate between a boxer and his trainer.

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Dalai Lama

I believe that at every level of society — familial, tribal, national and international — the key to a happier and more successful world is the growth of compassion. We do not need to become religious, nor do we need to believe in an ideology. All that is necessary is for each of us to develop our good human qualities.

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Why Can't Family Be Family Again

why can't family be family again
we used to always be friends
we used to huddle together
whenever we got scared
we felt the warmth in one anothers arms
because we knew the love was there

we used to build forts out of whatever we had in our rooms
and wage sars
throwing pillows, books, and brooms

we used to have mini mosh pits
with just the four of us
we headbanged and pushed
we screamed and pretended to cuss

we used to protect eachother
we used to defend one another
we used to stand together like brothers and sister
when mom punished us we would all resist her

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Why Can't We Be A Family

why can't family be family again
we used to always be friends
we used to huddle together
whenever we got scared
we felt the warmth in one anothers arms
because we knew the love was there

we used to build forts out of whatever we had in our rooms
and wage sars
throwing pillows, books, and brooms

we used to have mini mosh pits
with just the four of us
we headbanged and pushed
we screamed and pretended to cuss

we used to protect eachother
we used to defend one another
we used to stand together like brothers and sister
when mom punished us we would all resist her

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My family(concept of art)

My family my tree
Deep rooted in my heritage
My family my tree
Who I'm the fruit of her
My family fair sky
Where my sun always shine
My family there are my roots
Where I got MIne and me
My family is my word
My family is my blood
My family is my fine touch
My family
is big heart
Who love with no hurt
My family is my love
for that love I love
And I hate
What I hate so
My family is my moral code
MY culture

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Charles Dickens

Accidents will occur in the best regulated families.

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The poor
Hard put to thrive
Hard up for money
And money hard-earned
Studied under street lights
Sacrifices pleaded to save
The whole of a familial inhale
A happy home of plentiful
Owned bricks owned cars
Worked against time until the turn of time
Grand-pa expired

Familial requisites sang diverse anthems
The good son descendant but sang harmonious
Lo, good son too some day expired
By virtue of illegality deflated the inheritance
degraded the grand-pa
In the cycle of poverty the grand-son lien

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Why family?

WHY IS IT THE FAMILY who tell others your buisness?
Why does the family try to put you down?
Why does the family act the way they do towards one another?
Why does the family act like they’re not your family?
Why can’t the family just be family?

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A Family

a family
like no one can see
a family
everyone wants to be

family love
comes from above
family love
is softer than a dove

family means a lot
life will never rot
family means a lot
u will sometimes get caught

a family loves you for you
and you love them very much to
a family means everything to you
without them u wouldn't know what to do

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The Crosby family is sort of legendary for all of its traumas and familial problems, even though it has this appearance of being this perfect world. It had quite a dark side to it.

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Families with babies and families without babies are sorry for each other.

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Cretin Family

I am not so upset about my horrible self
But why don't you go upset yourself
Hey here's the mirror see your stupid face
What a disgrace man and you know it's true

Cretin family Cretin family Cretin family
Everyone's against me
Cretin family Cretin family Cretin family

Don't stare at me it's freakin' me out
Look what's happening now it's all your fault
You can't do nothin' absolutely nothing' o.k.
Why don't you get a hoola hoop
and do the cretin hop and

Cretin family Cretin family Cretin family
Everyone's against me
Cretin family Cretin family Cretin family

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song performed by Ramones from Adios AmigosReport problemRelated quotes
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Good Family

When you see a man behaving well
People are curious to know his family
When a naughty interacts
His source is easily identified
Good family is a big attractive tree
That offers shade in rain and heat
Good family bears good branches
That produces good fruits
Good family has its firm roots
Which nourishes and beautifies
Good family gives birth to good nations
In peace, good family is there
In war, good family endures
Good family wipes away tears and sorrows
Loneliness is absent with good family
Security is guaranteed with nice family
He who has a good family
Is half done in life
See a man dancing on the street
No need to ask if his family is okay

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“My Family”

My family is very strong like me
My family is actually very sweet
My family can be a little strict
My family always acts like this
My family is not always boring
When my family has things to do their flying and soaring
My family is actually sometimes crazy
Their even sometimes very lazy
Me trying to think about the facts of my family
Makes me laugh because I know I have a great family highly

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A Threesome

It is nice to observe how two cranky old foes
join together to write a collage,
then decide whether rhyme or that modern day prose
may I mention the French word menage?
It can be any number of poets or duds
who collaborate using their skills
you will see the appearance of early spring buds
as the sun comes to visit the hills.
Let us grab the papyrus, the Metaxa as well
so a poem will rise from the earth
and before we are called to the Heavens or Hell
to a poem of beauty give birth.
A Menage - à - Trois, between H, L and G
ought to bring a new wind to these parts
either limerick or other, but authored by three
may produce a great work for the arts.

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There is no life
but Family.

When I am young
I live with my Family.

When I grow up
I leave my Family.

When I am lonely
I miss my Family.

When I am drunk
I reverse-charge my Family.

When I pass away
I unite my Family.

There is no life
but Family.

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I Love My Family So Much

To be apart of a family like mine
is so divine
where love is shown
hurt is shared
our love for each other is never impaired

we talk
we laugh
we cry
but we are a family
and we do it all together
for as a family we do it all as one

for we are family
a family full of strength
a family full of love
a family no one can touch
that's why I love my family so much
my family is my life and always will be forever

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I've got two families.

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When its family, you forgive them for they know not what they do
When its family, you accept them, cause you have no choice but to
When its family, theyre a mirror of the worst and best in you
And they always put you to the test
And you always try to do your best
And just pray for God to do the rest, when its family
Some are preachers, some are gay
Some are addicts, drunks and strays
But not a one is turned away, when its family
Some are lucky, others aint
Some are fighters, others faint
Winners, losers, sinners, saints, its all family
And when its family you trust them and your hearts an open door
When its family, you tolerate what youd kill others for
When its family, you love and hate and take, then give some more
Somehow you justify mistakes, try to find some better way
To solve the problems day to day, in the family
You take the trouble as it comes and love them more than anyone
Good or bad or indifferent, its still family
You choose your lovers, you pick your friends

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song performed by Dolly PartonReport problemRelated quotes
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