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Quotes about cross

6934 quotes about cross.

dry thunder
a freight train crosses
the drought

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Crosses We Bare

Some days seem longer than others,
depending on how many crosses
we have to bare.
Each of us has a cross to carry,
for guilt, we call our own.
When the crosses get heavy,
days seem to linger with out end.
We feel at times,
no one can help us
with the crosses that we bare,
but there is always someone.
They walk beside us everyday,
a simple prayer of forgiving,
and he will help us on our way.
We can tell him all our sorrows,
our guilt’s and woes to be.
He always listens to us
as he walks with us each day.
We all know his name,
and how to speak to him,

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The Cross

Two fallen twigs when kept across
Can form a cross;
Two blades of grass just put cris-cross
Becomes a cross.

Two fingers placed atop the next
Looks like a cross;
A wire-mesh has umpteen crosses,
Like stars the sky across.

The cross is symbol of Christians;
The cross is pride of all baptized;
The cross instills love of Jesus;
The cross is feared by all devils!

The cross is sign of faith in God;
The cross means sacrifice like Christ;
The cross reminds of victory over death;
Carry your cross and follow Christ.

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Killing In The Name

Killing in the name of!
Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses
Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses

Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of

And now you do what they told ya (11 times)
But now you do what they told ya
Well now you do what they told ya

Those who died are justified

song performed by Rage Against The MachineReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Crosses Burning

black-eyed poverty,
angry negativity,
sanity or vanity,
aint nobody free...

still the wheels of life
keep on turning;
in the land of want,
crosses burning.

hate me, hate yourself,
liberty on the shelf,
worthless unless it sells,
drawing water from the well...

still the wheels of life
keep on turning;
in the land of need,
crosses burning.

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The Bird that dances by tail

Swallow.the bird that goes into cattle byre
And no bird that goes into cattle byre
Wow white black bull
The bird that goes into cattle byre

Swallow, the bird that crosses ocean
And no bird crosses ocean
Wow whhite black bull
The bird that crosses ocean

Swallow, the bird that dances by tail
And no bird that dances by tail
Wow white black bull
The bird that dances by tail

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Crosses are the ladders to heaven.

American proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Wait 'til your ass crosses the bridge.

Arabian proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven.

Malagasy proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Crosses are ladders which lead to heaven.

Malagasy proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Our crosses are hewn from different trees.

American proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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poppies bloom
among the rows of crosses
a fleeting cloud

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Poem: Song to the Holy Cross

The cross of love:
The cross I love:
The cross I'd loved all life;
The wooden cross:
The holy cross:
The cross that bore man's strife.

The oaken cross:
The heavy cross:
The cross Jesus carried;
The cross on which
Christ Lord was nailed:
And bore man's sins indeed.

The cross of death:
The blood-stained cross:
The Savior, man, redeemed;
The cross of life's
Victory o'er death:
That souls on earth must heed.

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Either chest in crosses, or a head in bushes.

Russian proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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chicken crosses the road
humans laugh
chicken doesn't get it

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The moon moves slowly, but it crosses the town.

African proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Palindromic Flight

bilateral symmetry
elegant fuselage
the wings
the tail
in a palindromic flight
the sky
the sky
in a palindromic flight
the tail

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Faith crosses every border and touches every heart in every nation.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Anyone who doesn't feel the crosses simply doesn't get that country.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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A pessimist is a man who looks both ways when he crosses the street.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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