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William Shakespeare

Quotes about William Shakespeare

892 quotes about William Shakespeare.

John Lithgow

Shakespeare is like mother's milk to me.

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Fran Drescher

I've lived, laughed, lost, and loved again the whole Shakespearian thing.

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John Lithgow

I was in 20 Shakespearean plays by the time I was 20.

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I hate Shakespeare. I think Shakespeare's rubbish.

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You may shelve your Shakespearian plans for the present. I am going to play Peter Pan.

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Gary Oldman

Shakespeare doesn't really write subtext, you play the subtext.

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Then I got out of the service, and I was going to be a Shakespearean actor.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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I say this quite deliberately, this is the finest Shakespearean performance I've seen.

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Lucy Liu

If you see the Sopranos, you're not going to be speaking in the Shakespearean English.

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Dogs Are Shakespearean, Children Are Strangers

Dogs are Shakespearean, children are strangers.
Let Freud and Wordsworth discuss the child,
Angels and Platonists shall judge the dog,
The running dog, who paused, distending nostrils,
Then barked and wailed; the boy who pinched his sister,
The little girl who sang the song from Twelfth Night,
As if she understood the wind and rain,
The dog who moaned, hearing the violins in concert.
—O I am sad when I see dogs or children!
For they are strangers, they are Shakespearean.

Tell us, Freud, can it be that lovely children
Have merely ugly dreams of natural functions?
And you, too, Wordsworth, are children truly
Clouded with glory, learned in dark Nature?
The dog in humble inquiry along the ground,
The child who credits dreams and fears the dark,
Know more and less than you: they know full well
Nor dream nor childhood answer questions well:

[...] Read more

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It's an intuitive exercise to do a Shakespeare play and to go through a Shakespeare play.

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Shakespeare is universal.

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I'd like to do a piece of Shakespeare. Any upcoming Shakespeare film. Just a bit to say I did a classic.

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The Shakespeare that Shakespeare became is the name that's attached to these astonishing objects that he left behind.

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Shakespeare Daughter's Hungry Street

Jules travelled down smoking art surreal street
to explore bohemian style flavoured beat.
Where all the noble artist souls are found
carrying her doves heart, she was stage bound.
Down to Shakespeare daughter's hungry street.

Jazz sax soared art savouring lovers danced.
Midget naked dancing twin brothers pranced.
Fire eater sister showed her fiery flash style.
Marching the military two step erotic mile.
Down upon Shakespeare daughter's hungry street.

Some priest held paintings of narrow grief.
Some lovers carried crosses of their belief.
Some miracle workers photographed their smile.
Some frozen suit prophets flaunted their style.
Down upon Shakespeare daughter's hungry street.

The red body wine skull shape face glowed.
Humanities blood of experience muse flowed.

[...] Read more

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Armand Assante

My dream as a youngster was to be like Olivier. To be a great stage actor. To be a great Shakespearean actor. To me that is the Olympics of acting.

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Doobie or not Doobie

Doobie or not Doobie-
What was Prospero smoking?
Up on the ramparts of Elsinore
What was our Hamlet toking?
Did fair Ophelia steal his stash
and roll herself a Doobie?
Did she go off the deep end then
because she was a newbie?
Cannabis was to Shakespeare known
as a potent source of Hemp.
It may have made a dancing fool
out of old Will Kemp.
But please do not disturb his bones,
beware the potent curse.
The Bard of Avon had wit enough
without inhaling first.

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The Argument

Said Jock McBrown to Tam McSmith,
"A little bet I'm game to take on,
That I can scotch this Shakespeare myth
And prove Will just a stoodge for Bacon."

Said Tam McSmith to Jock McBrown,
"Ye gyke, I canna let ye rave on.
See here, I put a shilling down:
My betting's on the Bard of Avon."

Said Jock McBrown to Tam McSmith,
"Come on, ye'll pay a braw wee dramlet;
Bacon's my bet - the proof herewith . . .
He called his greatest hero - HAMlet."

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William Butler Yeats

Three Movements

SHAKESPEAREAN fish swam the sea, far away from land;
Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand;
What are all those fish that lie gasping on the strand?

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Baz Luhrmann

The primary myth part came out of a revelation of the value of Shakespeare. Those are dramas that play to the simple person and the complicated person.

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