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Quotes about Rome

1447 quotes about Rome.

North Atlantic Drift

Meanwhile Rome burns
Meanwhile Rome burns
Its a cultural shift its the North Atlantic Drift
Americana and a rule Britannia
And the moon yes we own that to
And where the Euphrates meets the other rivers
Is now the home of the devil and the liar
And the pyre we plan to make
Is just the drift leaving its wake, home
Meanwhile Rome burns
Meanwhile Rome burns
And the films you want to watch
And the films you want to make
And the kids like lost angels
Dressed in black sensations
And the shift won? shake
And the drift won? brake
With billions of Diamonds growing like olives
And the drift holds the coffers
Meanwhile Rome burns

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song performed by Ocean Colour SceneReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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At Rome do as Rome does.

French proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Ezra Pound


O thou newcomer who seek’st Rome in Rome
And find’st in Rome no thing thou canst call Roman;
Arches worn old and palaces made common
Rome’s name alone within these walls keeps home.

Behold how pride and ruin can befall
One who hath set the whole world ’neath her laws,
All-conquering, now conquered, because
She is Time’s prey, and Time conquereth all.

Rome that art Rome’s one sole last monument,
Rome that alone hast conquered Rome the town,
Tiber alone, transient and seaward bent,

Remains of Rome. O world, thou unconstant mime!
That which stands firm in thee Time batters down,
And that which fleeteth doth outrun swift Time.

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All roads lead to Rome.

Roman proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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Miguel de Cervantes

When thou art at Rome, do as they do at Rome.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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When you are at Rome do as Rome does.

Spanish proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Epitaph To Rome

If midst Rome you wish to see Rome, pilgrim,
Tho in Rome naught of Rome might you see,
Behold the walls' ring, the theatres, temples
And ruptured pillars, to rubble all turned,
Rome be these! Mark how the corpse of a city
So strong still past fortune's pomp exudes;
Subduing a world, herself the city subdued
Lest yet more to subdue might there be.
Today in broken Rome, Rome unbroken
(A substance in its shadow) lies entombed.
Within all's changed; alone past change
Tiber remains, that to sea runs mixed with sand.
See what Fortune plays: 'tis wasted away,
What was unmoving; what moved, yet remains.

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Back To Rome

One day its the morning
Another day its the afternoon light
On day, baby, without warning
Well, I tend to think were going back to rome
Back to rome
We had a dream it was behemoth
Im so sorry that I didnt work out
And Im sorry about the visigoths
Well, I think its time that we go back to rome
Back to rome
Dont you wish that we could stay?
Were going back to rome
Life is so fine
Then it goes wrong
You think its going to miss you but that sun bitch gon get you
Yeah, it goes wrong
Sun bitch gon get you
I believed in the cupid

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song performed by Frank BlackReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Wealth conquered Rome after Rome had conquered the world.

Italian proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Roman Girl's Song

Rome, Rome! thou art no more
As thou hast been!
On thy seven hills of yore
Thou satst a queen.

Thou hadst thy triumphs then
Purpling the street,
Leaders and sceptred men
Bow'd at thy feet.

They that thy mantle wore,
As gods were seen–
Rome, Rome! thou art no more
As thou hast been!

Rome! thine imperial brow
Never shall rise:
What hast thou left thee now?
Thou hast thy skies!

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After my mother and my son, I still have two great loves: Romania and Rome.

quote by (2002)Report problemRelated quotes
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I look at Rome; She has nearly three thousand years of civilization, but she flows as if she were new, looking as young and carefree as water when she makes water. A city where art and culture predominate more than anything else.
Overall, Rome is a mysterious city. The ancient ruins on the one hand suggest the glory of the Roman Empire, on the other they strike the opulence and grandeur of the Baroque buildings. And last but not least, be captivated by the speed and crazy rhythms of today's civilization translated into the huge number of tourists in the city, flooded with people, cameras and souvenirs. Everyone chooses his Rome, be it imperial, baroque or modern. But for everyone the city, once the center of the world, is a real historical symbol.

in book Wall of thoughts (We look for the past to invent the future) (2000)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Livius Ciocarlie
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Cafe Prague.

Cream coloured coffee
And hot buttered toast
August sunshine
A packet of cigarettes
Talks on love and life
Friends and strangers all together

Days of summer
Seated on outside chairs
Tears and laughter
Mixed in the air
Of the perfect day just us and them

Cafe pavements
The world at view
Paris, Rome and cafe Prague
Used coffee cups
And ashtrays too
Paris, Rome and cafe Prague

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Rudyard Kipling


Marching Song of a Roman Legion of the Later Empire

When I left Rome for Lalage's sake,
By the Legions' Road to Rimini,
She vowed her heart was mine to take
With me and my shield to Rimini--
(Till the Eagles flew from Rimini--)
And I've tramped Britain, and I've tramped Gaul
And the Pontic shore where the snow-flakes fall
As white as the neck of Lalage--
(As cold as the heart of Lalage!)
And I've lost Britain, and I've lost Gaul,
And I've lost Rome and, worst of all,
I've lost Lalage!

When you go by the Via Aurelia
As thousands have traveled before
Remember the Luck of the Soldier
Who never saw Rome any more!

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Rome was not built in one day.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Every road leads to Rome.

French proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Ye drive a Snail to Rome.

Scotch proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Rome wasn't built in a day.

English proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Rome was not built in a day.

English proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Rome wasn't built in one day.

English proverbsReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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