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Quotes about Canada

905 quotes about Canada.

A Tribute To Canada Revised

Canada is home to the Roccky Mountains
Canada is home to the golden mine
Canada is home to the Fishery in dustries
Canada is home to the oil industries
Canada is a land that was made for the refues from all over the world
That came here to start a new lives also
Canada is multicultural
Canada stand strong and free
Canada is my home also and I am proud also to call Canada my home
Canada is home to thte seaguls and the robyns
Canada is home to the foxes
Canada is home to the wild bears
Canada is home to the deers

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God Bless Canada

This land strong and free
God bless Canada
While the sun shine across the sea
God bless Canada as we sing this song
God bless Canada
We stand together united as one
God bless Canada
Our hopes have never died for you
God bless Canada
We carry the flame with us in a long journey
God bless Canada
The eagles will soar high above the sky
God bless Canada
We show our true colors
God bless Canada
Our peacekeepers working together to bring peace home
God bless Canada
Home sweet home to us all

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It is as queen of Canada that I am here. Queen of Canada and all Canadians, not just one or two ancestral strains.

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Added by Lucian Velea
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Patti LaBelle

I love Canadians because I don't see very much racism in Canada.

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I think I'm a good Canadian, but I'm not the greatest Canadian.

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There is a Canadian culture that is in some ways unique to Canada, but I don't think Canadian culture coincides neatly with borders.

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Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them.

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Canadian born

We first saw light in Canada, the land beloved of God;
We are the pulse of Canada, its marrow and its blood:
And we, the men of Canada, can face the world and brag
That we were born in Canada beneath the British flag.

Few of us have the blood of kings, few are of courtly birth,
But few are vagabonds or rogues of doubtful name and worth;
And all have one credential that entitles us to brag--
That we were born in Canada beneath the British flag.

We've yet to make our money, we've yet to make our fame,
But we have gold and glory in our clean colonial name;
And every man's a millionaire if only he can brag
That he was born in Canada beneath the British flag.

No title and no coronet is half so proudly worn
As that which we inherited as men Canadian born.
We count no man so noble as the one who makes the brag
That he was born in Canada beneath the British flag.

[...] Read more

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Canadian Native Pride

You are a
Canadian native
And that is way you are
Wearing the
Canadian native pride

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My great hope would be that Quebec would realize itself fully as a distinct part of Canada, and stay Canadian, bringing to Canada a part of its richness.

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Canadians are so easily wounded.

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Canada is hockey.

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Arouse Ye Brave Canadians: Lines Suggested by General Brock's Stirring Appeal to the People of Upper

Canadian's arms are stout and strong,
Canadian hearts are true ;
Your homes were in the forest made,
Where pine and maple grew.
A haughty foe is marching
Your country to enthrall ;
Arouse ye, brave Canadians,
And answer to my call !
Let every man who swings an axe,
Or follows at the plough,
Abandon farm and homestead,
And grasp a rifle now !
We'll trust the God of Battles,
Although our force be small ;
Arouse ye, brave Canadians,
And answer to my call !
Let mothers, though with breaking hearts,
Give up their gallant sons ;
Let maidens bid their lovers go,
And wives their dearer ones !

[...] Read more

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Mike Myers

I had done Shrek as a Canadian and I'm very proud to be Canadian, but I knew I could give more to it.

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Jim Carrey

My upbringing in Canada made me the person I am. I will always be proud to be a Canadian.

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Our expanding Canadian operations are concrete evidence of General Motors confidence in Canada.

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Like 84% of Canadians, I believe in God.

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Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States.

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The Canadian government continues to say they will not help us if we go to war with Iraq. However, the prime minister of Canada said he'd like to help, but he's pretty sure that last time he checked, Canada had no army.

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The thing about Canada is, you're not really considered a Canadian actor unless you do something with the CBC.

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